The Storms that Protect

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"It's your birthday, Tell me what you want."

"I don't want for anything. Last time I ask for games you don't even approve."

"Really? Fine except for the game I'll give you anything. Just tell me."

Turbo thought so hard about something that Kaownah might not be able to give. That way he doesn't need to accept anything from him. After a good second of thinking, he finally came up with an idea.

"I want to be taller than you at least once."

Kaownah looked at him unbelievably. "Is that all you ask for?" He asked to confirm. Turbo nodded firmly, a smile crept up to his lips as he anticipated how Kaownah will respond to his wish.

Kaownah remained silent for a few seconds before speaking up to Turbo. "Follow me." He replied excitedly and dragged Turbo by his arm. Instead of surprising Kaownah with his unreasonable demand, he was the one who is surprised as Kaownah led him to the entrance.

Many people who went up the stairs to enter the venue were watching them as their hands still intertwined with each other.

"What are you doing Phi?" Turbo asked in confusion. Kaownah only flashed him a smile as their stopped on their tracks right in front of the entrance stairs.

"You wait over here." He said and went down one step after Turbo's place. This way, Turbo will become taller than him. Turbo looked down at Kaownah in front of him. He was surprised how Kaownah manages to get the idea to make his dream comes true.

"I can always make you taller than me every day. As long as there's a stair of course." He replied with a chuckle. Turbo's eyes are still on Kaownah not moving even an inch. He was dumbfounded.

"How could you—" Turbo halted his sentence as he was lost for words. Instead of managing to find words to complete his sentence, he marched forward and launched a tight hug at Kaownah. The latter was shocked by the sudden attack but smiled contently and hugged the smaller boy back since they were both too overwhelmed by their own happiness.

After a long hug, Turbo let go of the warm hug and so did Kaownah. They looked at each other faces. Kaownah broke the silence first. Saying the words he has been longing to say.

"You know, I can't stop the rain from pouring down, but I'll be the one to hold the umbrella for you," Kaownah told him sincerely from the bottom of his heart.

Turbo scoffed in a playful way. The cheesy line was too much for him to take.

"I don't need an umbrella." He retorted while crossing his arms on his chest.

"That simply means you really need me." Kaownah turned to scoff.

"I'm not 'Type'. I don't mean things another way around. I mean what I say." Turbo said firmly, it's either he was sulking that Kaownah compared him to another guy or just because he hated being compared.

Kaownah nodded and only hummed in response. Turbo looked at Kaownah with raised eyebrows.

"You really not going to ask why I don't need the umbrella?"

Kaownah shot him a confused look. "Why you don't need the umbrella?" He asked slowly in confusion and doubt.

"Because I love the storm," Turbo replied shortly.

Kaownah was still confused but looked hurt a little since that might also mean, Turbo doesn't need him and he can still live so well without Kaownah. The thoughts of Turbo has never considered his feelings even after what they have gone through just hurt so bad.

Turbo chuckled at Kaownah's silent reaction. Everything was written on his face and it was very easy for Turbo to notice and read him. Kaownah looked down at his sneakers. Not wanting to face Turbo. Turbo let out a heavy sigh and put both his hands on top of Kaownah's shoulder.

"I was living a well decent life before but suddenly one day, came a storm that blew everything away. It crushed all the things I had in life. Even the strongest wall I have built. It was all torn down and I found myself being stuck with the storm. I can't run away from it. But, weirdly enough, I could never bring myself to hate the storm and I realized I'm getting used to the storm and eventually falling in love with it." He managed to let all the things that have been kept inside his chest.

"But... even more to that, the storms actually save me from the disaster I made on my own." He continued.

But Kaownah seems to not get it. He only feels like he wasn't needed in Turbo's life. It's like Turbo loves the storm, so he doesn't have to cover him with the umbrella that he had offered. Seeing Kaownah still has no response, he holds up Kaownah's chin to look straight face to face with him. Kaownah looked at him, his eyes look sad. A pang of guilty hit Turbo in his chest. He didn't mean to hurt Kaownah.

"I'm telling you this, just so you know that you're the storms." And with that, Kaownah's eyes widened and slowly he started smiling to himself. He was scared to death just now that he might have to leave Turbo. That he might lose another someone that he loves so much. But it turns out that, Turbo likes him too. Turbo loves him the way he loves Turbo too.

Turbo smiled seeing Kaownah's reaction, just like a child getting candy. Without hesitation, not a second thought, he leaned down and connected their lips together. It was the most content feeling they ever felt.

~ the end ~

a/n: thank you all for being with me until the end of the story. <3

luv, 𝓶𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓯𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓫𝓪𝓽𝓪

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