Having feeling

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Classes in engineering faculty ended early that day as the lectures postponed to let the students prepared for the upcoming events.

New comers are coming to the university and they need a grand welcome. The engineering students, under the order of their hazers have to decorate the classes that will be used, practice for performances, preparing all the things they will need for the activities and a lot more.

Turbo, of course, has been signed up into doing the performance without his consent. At first he refused and strongly disagree to give commitment but when they told him that the students from music club will help, Turbo let out a heavy sighed and just nodded.

But why though?

Everyone thought it's because of Kaownah. He probably joins in the welcoming event to do performance as it will be taken as their final project marks. Music students has no reason to not participate. Some of them even contribute in making a new song for the event specialized for the freshy.

“You are performing that day, right?” asked Lee. Turbo nodded as he wiped the oil stance off his hand.

“Great.. I'm coming to watch you.”

“Why would you?” Turbo asked.

“Why not? You're already like my brother, of course I'm going to see you.”

“You just want to skip class.” White intercepted. Lee rolled his eyes to his brother's accurate accusation.

Turbo just sighed out.

“What's wrong? This event is a great opportunity to run away from the 6 hours long lectures.” Lee said and tidying up all the wrench.

They just finished repairing a car. It's not much of work but their hands get all dirty.

“I don't know if I really want to do this. I refused to join in but they keep asking me to join and they said students from music faculty are joining in too, I don't understand why we, 'I' have join and do the performance.” Turbo let out the things that has been in his mind for several days already.

“But you agree to them, aren't you?” White boringly asked.

“I did. Yeah, well. Kaownah was there, I can't risk having him killing someone else. We barely escape the police last time.” Turbo said.

“You care about him too much. He's a grown man already. Stop worrying.” Lee stated. Though it was true, it was wrong either.

Kaownah is a grown up man who still can't make up his own mind. Turbo sighed out. To say that he cared too much about Kaownah, that was wrong.

He has been sleeping in Fourwheels room for 3 days straight already. Not even stepping into his own room though Kaownah wasn't there. Caring about Kaownah? Who is he to care for that man? He has been ignoring him because...

Because that's how it is supposed to be. That's how he is before. Not caring about other people. But why does his mind always wandering about what Kaownah is doing? Before going to sleep every night, he thought of how Kaownah is dealing with his nightmares again. Does he still has a nightmare though? Turbo hasn't been back to the room for so long.

He feel bad. He isn't supposed to. Turbo sighed out and wiped his face.

He is twisted.

After finished clearing the workshop, he left to go back to his room. Fourwheels’ room actually.

“Phi Bo. Have you eaten yet? There's fried rice on the table. Kong cooked it. It was delicious.” Fourwheels, whose eyes were glued to the computer screen that showing the image of the game he was playing, said to his brother.

“Thanks but I'm not hungry.” Turbo replied. He sat down on the chair and unlocked his phone.

“I just remember, this evening I met Phi Kaow at the nurse office.” Kong said.

Turbo perked up over the name mentioned.

“What's he doing there?” Fourwheels asked though his eyes still fixed on the computer.

“I don't know. It seems like he hurt his hand. The nurse was putting bandage all around his knuckles.” Kong said.

“Did he punch something or what?” Fourwheels asked and Kong just shrugged. 10% of Turbo's mind was agreeing with Fourwheels while the other 70% were worried, who did he punch? Did he get into trouble again? What is it this time? And the other 30% were thinking of other thousands reason how he could get his hand injured.

“Wait a minute...” Fourwheels suddenly said and stopped clicking on his keyboard. All eyes were looking at him curious. Fourwheels turned around and look Kong straight into his eyes.

“Why were you in the nurse office?” He asked, eyes staring death into Kong.

“Uhm... I tripped over something and fall. Not a big deal though. Just a small scratch.” Kong panickly replied.

“Not a big deal? Just a small scratch? No matter how small, even just line scratch from the paper are not allowed to hurt you. You're my precious...” Fourwheels stopped. Kong had his head down but his eyes still looking at Fourwheels. Fourwheels shifted his eyes to his brother.

“... you're my precious... Friend.” He continued. Turbo shrugged while Kong tilted his head looking at Fourwheels confusedly.

“Friend?” He asked and Fourwheels nodded.

“I need to get to back to my game.” He said and turned around but Kong grabbed his hand.

“Why did you just call me your friend? I'm your boyshdjdkdjs...”

Fourwheels clasped Kong's mouth before he got to finished his sentences, his eyes wide and scream 'panic'. Turbo was looking at them curiously and confused. What was Kong trying to say?

Turbo cleared his throat and stood up. He grabbed his bag.

“I have to go somewhere. I don't know when I'll be back. So, don't wait for me. Not that I think you would though.” He said and left the room.

After he closed the door, he heard them talking from the inside.

“Did you just try to expose us right in front of my brother?” Fourwheels asked. A soft slapped were heard.

“You started it. If you don't, I won't.” Kong replied. Another slapped were heard and after that followed by a kiss.

Turbo shook his head and left the room for real. There's no point on standing there. But his mind was still lingering over what he just heard.

He was sure that was a kiss and it's remind him of the kiss between him and Kaownah. It was gentle and soft but at the same time desperate as if that was the last kiss Kaownah would ever give.

Did he just silently asking for more kisses?

He shook his head again and softly patted his cheeks. He shouldn't be thinking about that. He should forget that. He didn't want to give more disappointment and fake hope to Kaownah and at the same time, he didn't want to get hurt either.

Having feeling. . .

Is a torture.

‘someone might not deserve an apology, but everyone deserve a companion.’ His head suddenly reminded him of something that he once had said.


a/n: have a nice day everyone, and this chapter might still have some mistakes that I failed to found but anyway hope you enjoy. #KaownahTurbo1095Days happy anniversary to our boys.

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