The Past Revealed

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A few days ago...

ttt_s2: Hey... @/anousernameperson look at this. Isn't this Lhong?

anousernameperson: Yeah.. he looks like him. So he moves to another university and trying to catch attention there? check this post @/tooooty @/reddyspinner 

reddyspinner: he kissed the smaller boy on purpose doesn't he? he thought he could be sweeter than Tharn and Type? he wishes! Lhong doesn't deserve to have a lover. 

tooooty: he is a psychopath. you guys should make a background check before shipping those two. he might have paid the kid. poor kid, tell him to run away now.


"Phi...have you seen the post?" Fourwheels asked from the bed looking up at his brother sitting on the sofa.

Turbo has been stuck at his father house for 3 days because Fourwheels just won't let him go. He gave a lot of excuses just to make Turbo stay. Turbo knew that his brother did it on purpose. He wanted to leave so bad but the thing between his father and him just have not settled yet. Every time he tried to talk about the things out, his father keeps changing the subject. He just wants his father to let him live his own life the way he wanted to. He can't be anything that his father had expected him to be.

"Phi...are you listening?" Fourwheels asked again one more time.

"I heard you. I haven't opened the Facebook since I came here. I just want to clear out my mind from all those stupid rumours." Turbo replied. Talking about the rumours, he suddenly remembered about Kaownah. What would he be doing right now? Has he seen the doctor the other day? Does he still have a nightmare at night? He also thought if there is anything he could do to help with his social anxiety? Suddenly, there are so many things about Kaownah in his mind.

"This is not a stupid rumour. Did you know that you are actually sharing a room with a psychopath?"

"What psychopath?"

"P'Kaow... is a psychopath. He almost killed someone at his former college and he also paid a gang of man to rape an innocent small weak child." Fourwheels continued. Turbo's eyebrows slowly knitted together as he listened to Fourwheels.

"Where did you heard that?"

"This one post on Facebook."

"Don't believe everything from Facebook. Even the rumours about me and him are fake."

"But this one is not. Everyone from his former university knows about this thing. They even said that he dropped out of college and went missing to who knows where and suddenly came back after a year of his invisibility and suddenly poof! He is a student at our college."

Turbo fell into deep thought. The storyline does match with little things he knew about Kaownah. 

"They even said that... his name is used to be Lhong."

"Are you even sure that they are talking about Phi Kaow?"

"Did you already know about this? You even call him Phi Kaow."

"I don't know very much. Just a few basic things."


Turbo looked up at Fourwheels when there's no other reply from his brother. Fourwheels eyes were fixed back on his phone. Turbo shook his head. He just wishes what he had heard just now is just gossip from people who were jealous of him.

"Phi Bo! Look at this. Someone name Type, who was the victim of Lhong even confirmed the news is true. He even attached a link to an article on their college page. It says everything about Lhong and his dark side there. He used to be a very close friend to the drummer of their band but turns out that he actually have feelings for him and tries to keep everyone away from that drummer. He is an actual psychopath. Who dares to pay a few mans to rape innocent kids, then trying to break the relationship of the drummer and his lover just because he has a feeling for his friend? Does he think he owns a person or something? Did he also try to own you phi? Phi Bo... you better stay away." 

Turbo looked right through his brother's eyes. He knew his brother is worried, he knew his brother cares about him.. but something in his mind keep screaming telling him to run now and go find Kaownah right now. Now he knew why Kaownah keeps getting nightmare, now he knew why Kaownah keeps calling a certain person name in his sleep and crying so badly because the guilt is now eating him. He can't run away from his past no matter how. He suffered anxiety because he was too afraid to face the world. The society who had thrown him away and only came to show sympathy instead of giving out a hand for him to hold on, a shoulder for him to lean on. No one in this world actually understands what he wanted the most.

He doesn't want all of that money when he was always left alone with no one to care about him and to love him. Right at this moment, Turbo only thought about how Kaownah would be doing right now in the room alone reading all those hate comments and the story of his past that he tried to bury down so many times but still haunted him every night in his sleep. Turbo just wanted to be there to keep him company. To keep him from doing something unexpected and couldn't be thought of a normal person.

Turbo stood up almost too immediately and grabbed the car key on the nightstand.

"Where are you going Phi?" Fourwheels is panic and confused at his brother action.

"I'm borrowing your car. I have to..."

"Are you going to find Phi Kaow? Are you crazy? That man is dangerous. You shouldn't show so much affection towards him or you will end up being like that drummer!"

"The only crazy person right now are those people who keep talking about someone's past without thinking how that person is doing right now!" With that, Turbo left the room and passed by his father sitting at the coffee table in the living room.

"Where are you going so late at night?" Asked the old man still trying to show his care to his child.

"I have to meet a friend."

"But it's already night. Why don't you just go tomorrow?"

"I know you are worried that I might not come back to this house again. But if you really want me to be here, if you really want to make up of those past-times where you forgot about me, please let me go right now. Someone out there, need me more than you do. If you still want to be a father to me, let me, your eldest son, to go out and accompany my friend in his hardest moment. Think that as if you are making up to me when you left me to be on my own during my terrible situation." He knew giving such a long speech isn't very good since it will drag his time. He might be too late before he could find Kaownah. So without waiting for his father to response, he left.

Driving his little brother's car out of the garage and hit on the pedal to speed to their shared dorm in hope that Kaownah was still there and know nothing about the gossip going around the social media. But knowing how Kaownah is, there is more likely he already about it. Just hope he still there and did nothing stupid until Turbo reached there.


A/N: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯... idk... Btw #LoveStagexKaownahTurbo

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