That April girl

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Kaownah walked down the stairs after picking up some files from the office. All contain the things he will need for the whole years of study. Since he had missed a year and moved to a new campus, he needed to begin again as a first year student. That's actually not a problem for him since he wanted to start clean and new as if the thing in the past had never happen.

He wanted to move on and forget everything. But considering Turbo as his roommate, he didn't sure if he will last longer. It was because of this; his lacked skills in making friends, makes him became the loneliest kid in his school.

After going to campus, he managed to have some friends but they never stay. There's only one true friend that always with him and he never wants to be apart from that person but because of him, he lost that one person he loves the most. He disappointed him and disappointed in himself. After the tragedy, he left to America with his sister and after a year, he decided to come back to Thailand and continue to pursue his dream by studying at different university. Far away from the former one where he won't met that friend of him again.

In this place, his new university, he was known as the fallen angel because he has this angelic look and he was happy with that. Everyone in the university fall for him, adore him. That's all because they didn't knew about his past and he never wants that past to come out to anyone. He wants to stay being like this. Though not everyone will love him, but at least he could survive and just focus on finishing his study. He learned to not being too attached to people. As long as people didn't know so much about him, he will be alright. Years will passed smoothly until he graduated. At least, that was what he hoped for.

“Sawadee kha~” A cute girl greeted Kaownah on his way back to his dorm. He stopped on his track and greeted the girl back.

“You are the fallen angel right?” She asked. Kaownah, who was surprised with the question immediately shook his head.

“I'm not an actual angel. I'm just a human, like you guys.” He shyly replied in awkwardness. He smiled to the girl who was busy taking pictures of him.

“W-what are you doing? Why are you taking my pictures?” He panicked but still smile to the camera.

“Gosh!” The girl exclaimed and showed and annoyed face as she looked at all the pictures she took.

“W-why? W-what's wrong?” He stuttered as he became panic. He was afraid that people started to hate him again. It's like his trauma started to come back. He can't breathe, he didn't know how to handle the situation without that friend of him. He is so used for having that person next to him.

“How can you be this handsome and charming? That's unfair!” The girl replied with an annoyed tone. Kaownah was shocked to hear a praise from the girl though it sounded like a critique. But he knew the girl means well. The lost smile had once again found its way back to Kaownah's lips.

“By the way, sorry for taking your pictures without your consent. I just can't help but being swayed by your handsomeness. I'm April.” She introduced herself as she took out her hand for a handshake.

Kaownah took her hand. “Kaownah krab.” He replied. The girl nodded. They let go of each other hand as they walk together across the corridor.

“So, which faculty are you from?” The girl started the conversation as if she got the sign of how awkward Kaownah is.

“Oh, I'm a Music student from Art Faculty. First year.”

“We are in the same faculty! But I'm in the second year and I'm taking film. Then... can I ask for your help with my assignment? It's nothing hard, maybe just need you to play some musical instruments in the Music Video.”

“Sure.” Though his reply was short, but it was clear that he was excited for it. Who doesn't when it comes to something they loves, right?

They walked together and talked a lot about the faculty, clubs and events in the university. It looks like Kaownah finally made a friend. He hoped that this new friend he just makes will stay with him and help him forget about the things in the past.


A/N: Hi everyone, sorry for the late update, you know that Kaownah, Turbo and Fourwheel have schedule yesterday and this morning and I've been busy waiting for the Thai fans to update of their pictures and moments. We're all being well fed XD. Anyway, the character April is not an actual person, just a fictional character, so enjoy your reading and have a nice day <3

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