White Lee Brothers

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Turbo and his co-workers was tidying the workshop after working so hard for that day. He get the job there after an accident occurred a few months ago.

He was on his way back home when suddenly he unintentionally hit his senior's motorcycle. The motorcycle fell down at the side pavement. Turbo went out from his car and picked the motorcycle up. Then, the motorcycle owner who had just finished his class immediately ran towards his motorcycle.

“What are you trying to do?” He asked. His voice was so intimidating but it didn't shake Turbo off.

“I ran into it. I'm sorry my mistake. Please check your motorcycle if there's any problem.” Turbo replied nonchalantly.

“You think you can pay for the repair?” The senior asked challenging Turbo, he looked at the car behind Turbo and assumed it was Turbo's.

“You must be that kind of rich students who will get away from any problems just with a few amounts of money. When I say a few amounts, you know it means many right?” The senior smirked confidently knowing his words will work.

But Turbo just showed him a bored expression. Like what he said, people like to assume things he isn't. He didn't give a damn about it.

“I'll fix the motorcycle for you.” He replied to his senior. His senior lifted both his eyebrows thinking that Turbo will pay for the repair just like how he offered.

“Sure, meet me at the workshop near the dormitory after the junction. Tomorrow, at 4pm.” He said. Turbo nodded and went into his car.

Fortunately for him, he has no class in the evening tomorrow. So he planned on going there earlier.

The next day after his class, he went to his dorm to get change before going to the said workshop. When he arrived, the shop looked empty. A young man but obviously older than Turbo greeted him.

“Are you here to fix your car?” He asked and Turbo shook his head.

“No. I have to meet someone.” He replied.

“Oh! Are you that rich boy Lee talked about last night?” Turbo was showing an disapproval look as he felt irritated that they talked about him though they barely know anything about him. Seeing Turbo remained silent, the man spoke again.

“Lee is not here yet. His class ended at 4, you come so early. He hasn't yet started repairing his motorcycle there.” The man pointed at the motorcycle parking nicely at the garage.

Turbo went to the motorcycle and scanned it over. The key was still hanging on the motorcycle so Turbo turned it to started the motor but it won't start. Scanning one more time, Turbo found the problem. It wasn't that hard to fix. So he took some equipment from his car and started working.

The man just let him do it and observing Turbo's work all the time. Turbo is really good at fixing, he can tell since he owns the workshop and also the mechanic there.

After a while, Turbo has finished fixing the motorcycle and just at that right moment, Lee arrived at the workshop. He got off from his friend's motorcycle and immediately rushed to his motor.

“What did you do?” He asked fiercely. The workshop owner held him back and calmed him down.

“He just fixing your motorcycle.” He said and Lee shot a surprised look at Turbo. He went to his motorcycle and try to start it and it works very fine. As if it never broken.

“When you said you will fix it for me, I didn't thought you will actually fix it for me.” He said as he looked at Turbo once again.

“I mean what I said.” Turbo replied. He felt glad that he can showed the real thing, the real fact about him to them.

“But why? Rich people mostly get away with money. I even planned to rob your money off your wallet without touching it.” Lee said and the shop owner chuckles. Turbo looked at him in disbelief.

“Anyway, since you have fix it already, you don't owe me anything. I don't even have to pay for the mechanic.” Lee said happily and can't get off of his already fixed motorcycle.

“But he used the spare parts from my shop. Who will pay for that?” The shop owner whined as Lee just laughed it off.

“Of course it's him.” Lee pointed at Turbo. Turbo's eyes widen in shock as both of them looking at him. Turbo shook his head vigorously.

“What? You don't have money?” Lee asked in surprised. He looked at Turbo from top to bottom. Obviously scanning him.

“Did you run away from your house?” Lee asked in a total shocked this time. Turbo was shock too that this time what Lee assumed was true.

“How do you know he run away?” The shop owner asked.

“Phi White, he has no money but he has a dormitory key and also–” Lee tried to get some certain smell by sniffing around Turbo.

“He smells like instant noodles too.”

Lee and White looked at Turbo again. Dumfounded Turbo frozen at his place.

“I'll try to pay for the spare parts. Please give me your contact number.” He replied as calm as he can.

“How about, you come working with me so you don't need to pay for it. You have a very good skills that it will be wasted if you don't use it. So what do you say?” White asked as he patted Turbo's shoulder. Turbo was really in need of money. He can't keep using his saving.

“If that can help me pay them. Then sure.” He took the offer since he didn't see any reason to say no. He needs money for his own allowance and so he didn't have to pay for the spare parts.

Since then, he spent a lot of time at the workshop than he knew. They never forced Turbo to explain himself or to talk about himself so for Turbo it's okay. But he hate it when they gossips about the customers so he always left right after he finished his work.

The bell to the office rang and White entered the stored. He put the things he has in his hand into a box filled with other things.

“What's that blue-orange thing?” Lee asked since it caught his eyes just right after White entered the room.

“Dreamcatcher something... I don't know why the customers gave this to me.” White replied as he checked on another box near the door.

“Great, you have finished tidying the stores. You can throw this box away, all the things inside are already rusty and old.” He looked at the dreamcatcher again and put it at the box he told to throw away.

“Throw this away too. I don't need this thing to catch my dreams. Dreams are meant to be forgotten.” He said and Turbo nodded.

He usually throws away rubbish on his way back home since the two men lived in the workshop. Before he put the box into the bin, he looked at the dreamcatcher again. Everyone knows it's for catching the good dreams and blocking the bad dreams.

Though it sounds childish, but why don't give it a try? At least, if his roommate believe in it, his brain will stimulate the same.

He took the dreamcatcher without any second thought. Though he was that type of person who doesn't like to get involved in other person's life, he himself didn't even realise that he was thinking about someone else. To be precise, he was thinking about his roommate.

He didn't realise he actually cared about his roommate.


A/N: This one related to Turbo's upcoming drama 'Motorcycle' it's said to be starting at the end of 2020. This White and Lee Brothers is not a real characters just like that April girl... So have a nice day while reading this story :D. Luv y'all <3

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