The remedy for the malady.

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Kaownah woke up from the unexpected sleep. He reached over the nightstand and grabbed his phone. The time showed 02:20 in the morning. It was past midnight. Kaownah sat up on his bed and the dried up towel fell into his lap. He looked at it and confused for a moment. He turned over to Turbo's bed and he wasn't there but on the floor instead. In his hand was a same towel with the one on Kaownah's head and it still wet.

Kaownah felt a pang of guilt rushed through his body. On the nightstand was a plastic filled with medicine then a glass of water next to it. He felt really bad for thinking that Turbo hated him. Turbo actually cared about him and he just realized it now.

He pushed away his blanket and covered Turbo with it but Turbo woke up by the small action. Kaownah was surprised and was ready to be shouted by Turbo but the shouting didn't come. Instead, he was pushed back to the bed and covered by the blanket again.

“Stay here.” Turbo said and change the towel on Kaownah's forehead with the wet one. Turbo took the dry one and about to go to the washroom but his hand was grabbed by Kaownah so he stopped on his track. He looked at the weak Kaownah lying on his bed.

“Khobkhun mak naa...” He trailed off. He wanted to say something more but he just didn't know what to say.

“Why...” Turbo spoke out to Kaownah. Kaownah waited for him to continue. But the sentence didn't come out. They both remain silent. Turbo pushed Kaownah's hand away while replying.

“No problem.” Then Turbo left to the washroom. Kaownah could see there are so much things on Turbo's mind but maybe it's something personal so Turbo won't talk about it. Or is it about something else?

Kaownah looked at Turbo coming out of the washroom.

“Here's your medicine. Eat it after your meal. I don't know which medicine is good so I just bought everything.” Turbo said as he sat down on his bed facing Kaownah. Kaownah sat up again and look straight at Turbo. There's no more awkward air they use to have in the room and there's no more coldness between them. It just... WARM.

Turbo is warm even though he is a meter apart.

“You can just ask the pharmacist.” Kaownah said and smiled at Turbo. Turbo looked at Kaownah for a few second before turning away. He just not used to it. Having a conversation with someone this close other than Fourwheels.

“You know I always avoid talking to people.” He replied with his usual cold tone.

“Talking to people, actually you don't want to avoid it, you just don't want to hear some certain words.” Kaownah said. Turbo sighed out and glared at Kaownah for a second before lying on his bed and getting under the cover.

Kaownah smiled as he knew he might have ring the bell. He laid down back on his bed facing Turbo and spoke again.

“If you have something to ask me, just ask. I like talking but I have no one to talk to. My family are always busy, always away from home and I finally got used to feel lonely.”

Turbo came out from his cocoon and peek at Kaownah. Kaownah has been looking at him all the time as he spoke. After a few seconds of silence Turbo spoke out.

“I didn't mean to invade your life privacy. But, seeing you having nightmare so often, getting unconscious like this... I think you need help.”

“Then help me.”

Turbo was shocked as his eyes got wider after hearing to Kaownah's replied.

“I mean from doctor. Get help from doctor.” Turbo immediately replied as he trying to control his voice and expression.

Kaownah chuckled. “I am. I still have to go to appointment with doctor. But when I'm alone. I can't help but to overthink and reminded of the past.”

“Is it related to the Tharn person you call out just now?”

It's Kaownah's turn to be surprised.

“Did I call him? Did I... desperately calling for him?”

Turbo hesitantly but slowly nodding his head. Kaownah sighed out.

“But it's okay if you don't want to talk about it. I don't care. But if you need anything, just tell me. I'm going to sleep now. I have morning class.”

Just like that, Turbo turned to face the other side and close his eyes to sleep. But in his mind, he was awake thinking of whatever reasons for why he cared so much, curious so much and wanted to know so much about his roommate.

“Fandee na krab.” Kaownah said and also closed his eyes but he also thinking of what would he replied if Turbo going to ask him about Tharn again. Should he just told him that he is the one who messed up or should he told Turbo vice versa?

He doesn't want to lie. But he doesn't want the same incident to happen again. He had had enough of people leaving him alone and shut him out.

And now, he didn't want to lose Turbo too as he started to think that Turbo's existence is like a remedy to his malady, a cure for his wound.

A/N: Hmm sorry for the very inactive update. I just wish my semester would end sooner so I got more time to spend on this wattpad. Anyways, congratulations to Kaownah for graduating already... Yay!!

*mentally cheering for him though I'm sad because I can't go to see him there in real life because of this pandemic and because I'm broke*

By the way guys, stay safe... Rak tukhon naa khaa <3

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