Catch Me in Your Dream

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Turbo got home earlier that night. He entered the room just at the moment Kaownah went out of the bathroom.

“Oh you're back already.” He greeted and Turbo just gave him a small nod. Kaownah just smiled, glad that Turbo gave him even a very tiny bit reaction. He sat on his bed and searched for the candle he just bought in his bag.

Turbo put down his bag on his study desk and took his towel and went into the bathroom. Finally found the candle, Kaownah put it on Turbo's bed before going to sleep.

When Turbo finished taking shower, he dried his hair using the towel as he walked to his bed. He saw the cute scented candle sitting on top of his blanket. He took it and glanced at Kaownah. He was confused at first since he didn't say anything about buying him a new candle. He shrugged his shoulders and shook his head, he felt a little funny and happy at the same time. Kaownah is just like a child. Turbo knew Kaownah didn't dare to say anything about last night, or even accurate he didn't even want to talk about last night, so instead of saying thank you or sorry, Kaownah bought a new one as for repayment.

But the candle he just bought is just going to be the reason for him getting a better sleep again. Because Turbo didn't see any reason to not use the candles. He used to have one before because his aunt gave it to him but he never actually used it and it has been stored away in the last drawers at the very back. Thanks to Kaownah, the candles actually come to be useful. Turbo lit up the candle and place it on top of the night stand between their beds.

He remembered the Dreamcatcher he brought and took it out of his bed. Kaownah has already fallen asleep so he silently hang the dreamcatcher on Kaownah's headboard.

When Turbo wanted to go back to his bed, Kaownah let out a small whimpered catching Turbo's attention.

“Ai' Tharn” He called out softly.
“Ai' Tharn come back to me”

Turbo crouched down to see Kaownah more up close. He was definitely sleeping, eyes shut tightly, but he was shivering as tears streamed down his cheeks slowly. Turbo felt pity to see Kaownah in this state, he couldn't think how Kaownah could survive all the past nights being haunted by his own nightmare alone.

Turbo felt they are somewhat similar as Turbo also used to be haunted by his own fear but now, he found his escape though he wasn't really happy but at least he managed to get away from the painful memory. But he didn't know it just resulted him to isolated himself from everyone.

He unconsciously raised his hand and wiped away Kaownah's tears. Surprised by the soft touch, Kaownah's eyes shut open and their eyes met.

“Turbo...” Kaownah said half-awake. Though he was opening his eyes, there's no evidence he was aware with the situation.

“Hold me tight. Don't let me go.” He continued. Turbo's eyes searching Kaownah's face, trying to confirm if it was really Kaownah or was it him talking in his dream.

“I'll chase after you, so don't chase me away.”

“Even if this just a dream, I won't repeat the same mistake again.”

Turbo was stunned for a few seconds.

“Go back to sleep. You are not on your right mind.” Turbo softly replied as he closed Kaownah's eyes with his palm and slowly Kaownah was drifted off to sleep again. Turbo stood up and looked at the dreamcatcher, is it Kaownah's real self or just him sleep talking unconsciously?

Turbo shook his head and went to his bed. He buried himself under the soft and warm blanket as he also drifted off to sleep.

With closed eyes, Turbo uttered in his sleep.

“Then hold onto me tightly first so I can't run away from you, Kaownah.”


A/N: I just realized I'm publishing a chapter faster than I actually write one. Forgive me my business just keep getting in the way. Online class just– anyway, enjoy the chapter and apologize my mistake. Have a nice day <3

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