The Invitation

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Knock. Knock.

“Krab!” Kaownah shouted and immediately rushed to open the door. Turbo who was writing notes on his book paid no attention to whoever is the person behind the door.

“Aow! Nong Four and... your friend.” Kaownah trailed after seeing Fourwheels with someone who he didn't really recognise. He accepted the greetings from Fourwheels and his friend before inviting them to enter their room.

Hearing the familiar name and voice, Turbo looked up at the entrance. Fourwheels smiled cutely at his brother.

“Phi Bo wadeekrab.”

“What's the matter? Why are you here?” Turbo asked with his usual cold tone but it didn't affect Fourwheels anyway.

“Aow phi... since you already have a roommate, I can't even come to visit you anymore?” Fourwheels asked while sitting down on the neat bed belongs to his brother, Turbo.

“Even if I don't have a roommate, I'm going to do the same anyway.” Turbo replied nonchalantly before going back to his notes.

“Ohoo phi! Isn't that just too much?” Fourwheels replied and laid down on the bed. Kaownah went to his own bed and do his own things trying not to eavesdrop the sibling while Fourwheels' friend just stand there awkward in the room.

Turbo turned around from his desk to face Fourwheels but his eyes met with Fourwheels' friend first. Even though he didn't say anything, Fourwheels knew what was in his mind. So Fourwheels spoke.

“This is Kong. Actually I want to tell you about this thing but your response just make me want to tease you phi.” Fourwheels said and Kong wai to Turbo in which Turbo returned back.

“Tell me what?” Turbo asked dead serious.

“Hmm... Actually, I'm continuing my study here and I'm living in dorm too. Kong is my roommate.” Fourwheels replied. He was hesitated at first but finally dare to speak up. Turbo was surprised and before Turbo get to say anything, Fourwheels continue.

“I've told dad about this. Don't worry, he said okay.”

“He really said that? Like that easy? He didn't tell you to go back to mom?”

“Probably not that easy. I can study here with you as long as I will be able to bring you home back.”

“I'm not going back!” Turbo replied and Kaownah was shocked by the sudden high pitched.

“Not going back home is same as you are sending me away back to Australia.” Fourwheels said still lying on Turbo's bed. Turbo remained silent.

“Come on phi... Just go back home. But I won't rush you out now. Knowing that you would want to come back later is enough. Now, I want to give you this invitation.” Fourwheels said and signalled to Kong to give the folded card he has been holding. Kong handed it to Turbo and Turbo took it hesitantly.

He scanned the hard card with a word 'invitation' printed on it. He opened the card and read every words without missing any lines.

“Ans what do I have to do with this?” Turbo asked. He rolled his eyes and threw the card away on his bed. The card were wide open and Kong and Kaownah who were curious about the content secretly trying to read what's inside.

It's an invitation to a birthday party of their father's friend son's boyfriend.

And before the two could read it until the end, the card was snatched away by Fourwheels who was now sitting on the bed and folding the card neatly before putting it in his pocket.

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