Lhong to Kaownah

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“I'm sorry Ai' Tharn... I wish you a lot of happiness beside your loved one.” After that, Kaownah left the empty studio room where he and his band used to practice together.

He cleared his stuff from the locker. Not even a dust left in there. When he wanted to left the room, the door opened before he did it and behind the door was Techno standing dumbfounded.

“Ai' Lhong....” He muttered out. Kaownah looked down and immediately left the room. He pushed Techno aside to make room for him to walk away.
In a rush, he went into his brother's car.

“Did you get everything?” His brother asked.

“Uhm..” He replied shortly.

“Okay, we ain't going back to here. You know that right?”

Kaownah nodded in response. He looked at the side mirror and saw his face. He took off his earrings as the car moved out of the car park.
He wore a black mask to cover his face from the students passing by.

They arrived at the airport where his sister was waiting for. His brother took out his luggage and they walked together to where his sister was standing.

“Here you come.. we still have an hour before our flight.” She greeted them.

The two men just nodded in response.

“Ah right .. this is your new identity card and your passport.” She handed the items to Kaownah which he immediately received it.

He opened it to see his picture that they have took a week ago with his new name written beside it.

Kittipat Kaewcharoen

He looked up at his sister.

“From now on, you are Kaownah.” She said and Kaownah nodded.


Kaownah has always been left alone. Either at home or at school. He basically has no one who he ever felt love from. Neither his family nor his friends.

Since he used to be left alone, he was awkward and overexcited everytime someone wanted to be his friends and that made them think he is a weirdo and they are getting distant from him. They just feel uncomfortable having him around them. But the mistakes they did is to completely left him like they never know Kaownah.

Until one day,

“Here you are. I have been searching for you.”

“Ai' Tharn... Why does no one want me?”

“What's up with you? I told you right that I'll always be your friend. So... whenever you have a problem... I will rush to your side.”



And ever since that day, they were stuck together like gums. The firm ‘yes’ he said that night has been planted right deep inside Kaownah's heart. So other than him, he didn't want anyone else become that close to Tharn.

He became possessive since he never get what he wants and the attention he lacked off has been given by Tharn. No one told him what he did was right or wrong, ever since Tharn found him, he get everything. Everything that he got tired of them all. Though he get more and more, attention, praise, friends or even admirer, he felt as if he got nothing. He needed an affirmation from his one and only Tharn. All he ever wanted is Tharn to be completely his. See only him, talk to only him, walk only with him, laugh, eat, sleep and just everything filled with him.

He became insecure when Tharn started talking to others and eventually turned possessive when Tharn gave someone else much more attention than he got.

These all have unintentionally lead Kaownah to another path. A path that he wasn't realise he was walking on. Just if he has another someone, family perhaps, he would have been pulled out of path he stepped on. He would have been rescued from all the things that made him hate himself so much.

He was just a boy who had never got anything that he needs.

Though he was brought to Australia with his sister and brother, but they were busy with works and all that they got no time to be at home. Kaownah found it not much different from before when he was at Thailand but he didn't dare to talk since he knew they were doing it for him.

They working that hard so Kaownah can choose the path he actually wanted to be at. Studying music, being a musician. The thing that he loved.
But it's just, he wouldn't love music that much if they were there with him before. He might as well want to do something else. But when he got no one, music heals, music is there to accompany him. He won't let the music go that easily, not when music is the only thing he can't take away from Tharn. Since Tharn loves music, he is going to take music to everywhere he goes until he got sick of too much music.

He went into a short summer course in the university around there to learn music. He didn't want to go back full-time studying in university since he was avoiding to meet people.

He just don't want to stay for so long with people. Moreover when they all are speaking the language he not used to.

He decided to start a new life as Kaownah. Lhong has been buried deep down somewhere that he probably won't remember. It just, he didn't buried them deep enough as they keep coming back to him. Every. Single. Night.

A/N: And one more thing guys... kaownah and turbo cooking together is just SO FREAKING CUTEEEEEEE

*internally screaming and dying inside*

They are flirting with eachother and Kaownah tease us like we are a whole damn circus

(ノ≧∇≦)ノ ミ ┻━┻

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