Chapter 20 - Motion

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After explaining everything that happened on that impact-ful day, their expressions began to downsize, even though i knew they were all still dormant volcanoes. 

"So you have all her memories, feelings and thoughts?" curiously Bonnie asked me.

"Uh huh, its in a part of my brain that i have to access to see everything. I guess its kinda what made me fall for her so quickly and so hard" i confessed to Bonnie. Her expression softened more and she  lightly smiled at me. 

However,  that was not the case with the ever doubtful Caroline.

She told me she did not trust me yet. Great news isn't it?

"But i think if your intentions were to get rid of Elena, you already had many occasions that you could've killed her" with that i had a feeling that Elena's friends did only slightly now believe that i was no mole or spy.

I gave them a solution rather than another problem:

"And because of my inside knowledge of my coven' ex-coven's hideouts, i guess i can help you find my father so he can reverse the spell on Elena. I have no idea how to even begin doing that. My father should be the only one"  i broke  to them unhappily. The most evil man was the only one who could fix the most beautiful person.

Jeremy looked as if he was about to contest when a voice said, "He's right. He's more use to us alive, not dead".

It was Katherine. She looked 100 times tidier than her previous image in the cemetery. 

We all decided that the most suitable and safest place for Elena to be tomorrow would be school, Caroline and Bonnie would stay overnight to help Elena for school. Me and Katherine would return to our motel and we'd all deliberate one more time at the Salvatore to get ready with plans for finding my father and returning Elena's memories.

It was time to save the doppelganger! 


Returning to my wonderful home, i felt slightly lonely.

Walking into the study of the mansion, i looked at one of my leftover coffins. Lets think of a reason to bring back my sister: Elena Gilbert will need a bodyguard, especially if that British witch is untrustworthy. 

Opening the coffin, i looked at my poor little sister. Even dead, she looked like a spolit brat, she was gonna be so angry when i took out the stake. 

Ripping the stake out of my sister's chest, her broken eyes slowly open, thankfully she was too weak to struggle so i got up close to her face and said:

"From now on you will be Elena Gilbert's bodyguard and you will go to her high school tomorrow. Your now under my control. You will keep me up to date with the doppelganger's pursuits" i made sure to concentrate all my hybrid power into compelling her. Hopefully this would work.

My weak sister got up slowly and leaned on her coffin and beautifully repeated all my orders to her. How wonderful. I love it when everything goes my way. Although, because of her poor state i had to grab onto my sister's frail figure and called on one of  my hybrids.

She fed until she was back to a normal state and ran out my mansion. 

I followed her until we both reached the Gilbert house. What was my sister up to?

Seeing my sister jump and grab onto Elena's bedroom window, i saw her tap onto the window continuously, until the doppelganger came to her bedroom and reluctantly looked at me with confusion. 

After being invited in, i explained to the girl about the new arrangments. Happilly, she accepted the terms although, she still wanted to know why i was so hellbent in protecting her. I thought about it as my sister stood guard at the door and i searched Elena's room with my eyes. I spotted her diary. 

I'm quite interesting and impact-ful on people's lives,so if she hadn't written about me, something was messed up.

Leaving her with three words;

"Read your diary"

I left how i entered, through the window and went back to my home to do something more productive.


After having another memory attack on my brain, after falling asleep awkwardly in front of my old new best friends and Darius, after being awoken by Klaus and Rebeckah, after being told i had now been assigned a bodyguard, after Klaus leaving, after going downstairs and making the only thing i knew how to make: hot chocolate, after sitting on the dinner table with ever vigilant Rebeckah, i decided to get to know Klaus's sister, after reminded her about my memory predicament:

"So how old are you?" i asked the young beautiful blonde that sat opposite me.

"Old...very old" she told me. I wanted to laugh because even with her clothes that were slightly dusty, she could pass for a perky 16 year old.

On to my next question, i asked her what her motive was in protecting me.

For as long as i'd known this girl, which was hardly an hour, all she seemed to do was look left and right. up and down but mainly around my vicinity, however, when i asked the question, she stared at me straight with a confused face and went back to her routine without answering my question.

Oh well, i thought, as i took another sip of my hot chocolate. Mhmm that was warm, and in that moment i closed my eyes and bent my head on the mahogany table and laid there till a noise came clashing down my household's stairs. Rebeckah immediately got up and zoomed to be blocking the presence from my figure.

Getting up and turning my head, i could see it was a tired looking Caroline, with an extreme case of bed head.

"Its OK Rebeckah, she's just a friend" i informed my bodyguard. Caroline looked extremely confused.

"I thought someone took you...but what the hell is she doing here?" she gestured towards Rebeckah.

Explaining to Caroline slowly the new arrangments with Klaus, before i knew, rays of light bounced through my kitchen window and to hit my eyes. Apart from the no-sleep issue i now had, i felt even worse because Caroline, who had to be around my age, now looked like someone a trillion times older and after explaining, her deep sigh just showed me how all this craziness was just getting overly stressing to her.

My life was great, right? 

Just at that thought, the alarm clocks around the house began to ring!

Time for school. 

And i had forgot to read through my journal...well my before-memory-loss-diary.

I had a lot to sort out and all i wanted to do was...sleep and well honestly just go to Darius, where he might be, and cuddle him. Have because at the moment he was one of the only people i knew who declared their love for me..that made me smile and cringe all at the same time. I laughed mentally and got ready for another wacky day as the girl who had no memories, who had no clue about her past. Not properly.

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