Chapter 28 - The Moon

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Elena had fallen asleep on the couch in my hotel room. 

I guess no one's love life was going smoothly....heck not one of us has ever had a smooth love life ever! It was more depressing than it was upsetting. I mean look at Elena. Even in her sleep she was just frowning away in her little dreams. I felt bad. I felt so bad. My best friend was in such a...SPIDER'S WEB! And my mind was once again refreshed when it came to our mission of helping her. She did not deserve all this pain at such a young age. Her parents are gone, her aunt was gone and now...even her mind is gone. She's lost it all.

But thankfully, when it came to her mind...we could do something about it!

Just in that moment i began to feel my phone beep twice. 

Someone was calling me.

I looked at the number.

I had never seen any number like it before in my entire existence!


Oh my God. Was i really going to risk my life for one phone call?

Hm. There were stupider ways to die. Stupider? Was that even a weird? No. No. Matt, now is not that time to get distracted! I moved forward to the guard that stood outside the weaponry room. He was the strongest, tallest and quietest guard in Yvello Livella's evil army. But i also heard from rumours: he did not have eyes for women, if you know what i mean...maybe i could use my charms to somehow get something i need.

I needed a phone.

That guard also happened to be the only single guard that had a phone. For supplies of guns etc. And orders for those had been booming in recent days. Looks like they were getting ready for a war.  A bloody war. 

OK. Back to business. 

As i walked up to the over 6ft bronze man, i noticed his face was not like a painting, but like a statue. It was eerie. Very eerie. He looked straight and no where else. Even when i was right in front of him, he did not once glance at me.

"Hi there!" i smiled at him with longest smile i had pulled in weeks. The continuous training that the guards and me were put through was undeniably difficult. And it occurred every morning too.

Only then he looked at me. But he just stared through me. Like i was a ghost or i am see-through.

I didn't like it.

So i just asked him.

"Do you have a phone i could borrow?" i looked at him my eyes no longer full of light or persuasiveness.

He said nothing.

"I need to call my mother" when i said that his expression changed for a moment, like he recognized something or connected with something, "She's very sick" i said with my eyes full of pure exhaustion.

After a few seconds. The tall guard finally got his large hands and searched in his pockets. He took out this large flip cellphone. It was completely black and had one of those thick antennas. With that, i walked away with the phone.



That went easier than i thought it would go.

Now who's number do i remember?

I laughed. I can't believe it...the only number i remembered was my ex-girlfriend's. Caroline's.


"You're in Kolkata?!?" i exclaimed to Matt's fuzzy voice on my Nokia Lumia 920. I can not believe it. I could not believe it. Kolkata.

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