Chapter 25 - How Devilish Part 1

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I awoke after what was the fourth day of mine and Rebekah's boozy and extremely sexual lazy days, wierdly enough her controlling bodyguard duties to Elena had been lowered in her line of priorities, hmm what can i say, i have that effect on people. Though, she still watched over her at school, i wondered why she was so determined to protect her, and i came to one conclusion. Her bastard brother had compelled her. Klaus must be a great relative, right?

Hopefully, even though i was becoming slightly fond of the sultry blonde maiden lying on the silk black bed, this little fling would save me, literally. If i was dabbling with his sister, maybe Klaus would be less adamant in snapping my neck and stealing my life. I had run too long, too hard to be stopped now, perhaps this little endeavour would turn the run into more of a walk.  Perhaps.

If i played my cards right, i might not feel too guilty about using this Original who looked like a young teenage girl.

It was 10:00am on a Saturday at the moment i heard a vibrating,beeping noise coming from mine and Rebekah's active bed. She was sleeping so i quickly went and retrieved it from her side of the bed. Flipping her sleek white phone on, i put it to my ear without looking at caller ID.

"Hello" i said politely at the caller.

"Well, well, hello Katerina" said the arrogant and British accented Devil himself. Klaus. Gosh, why in Hell's name didn't i look at that fucking caller ID!?!?


The smoke was capturing my lungs, i kept on coughing but never stopped moving through the clouds and through the destroyed remains of my coven.

I only slightly noticed Bonnie using her magic with nature to clear the pathways for me, but even those dogged out paths that used to be were now all mixed with the burnt ash and dust. My coven was...gone. I tried to not shed a tear, i was taught to be brave, but when all you're teachers, family are dead, what can you really do?

Wiping thoughts from my brain, i continued to search the smokey area.

All the tents were in shreds or completely burnt, there was only one tent, that was slightly tinted burgundy, but still showing its homely and warmly features that i remembered from childhood. My grandma's red tent.

I wished and wished with my entire soul that i wouldn't find just a body, but a loved one inside the tent.

Slowly opening the small zip, i saw two figures.

 One: my Grandma who looked literally like she was on the edge of her life. But even still, i blessed the Gods above for keeping her alive. I couldn't bear her death.

Two: Sofia, one of my closet friends, she was one of the best and one of the only female hunters in my coven. The thing i noticed first about her, was her skin. It looked green, ill and sullen. This was a  much bigger surprise than you'd expect because in my coven she was the girl every boy wanted, every mother wanted as their daughter-in law and every child wanted as their beautiful mother. She was the girl full of wonder and life. But in that moment she looked like a zombie.

She turned round, holding a broken piece of glass and looking more scared than a rabbit against a saber tooth. I had never seen her so...unprepared.

"Oh, its you...its're not with him are you?" she asked me between jaded breaths of gasping and terror.

"Sof, what do you mean? what happened, who did this?" i asked her with frustration, while feeling the presence of Bonnie arrive behind me.

After a moment of silence, my intuition told me who had done all this. I guess i was too scared to admit it to myself. How could he have been heartless?

My Grandmother's small sweet but tired face placed her frail hand on Sofia's back, and she revealed to me the demon behind the destruction of coven's home.

"Your father" she spitted out from her throat.

I looked down on the ground out of shame. Shame that i was related by blood to that demon. I wanted to hunt him done for butchering the land.

My Grandmother's moan brought me back to reality, she was in pain. God-awful pain. With that noise, Bonnie crept into the slightly squished tent and Sofia bounced up again with fright. "Who is she?" she asked me but Bonnie gave her the answer. "She is a friend, so point that...uh knife somewhere else, we've got bigger fish to fry right now!" she exclaimed seriously.

As three witches, two of whom were also hunters gathered round to my peaceful Grandmother, a revelation stabbed me in the heart. My Grandma cannot be saved. She looked me in the eyes and i knew it for sure. A tear went down my ashy face as i placed my hand on her tiny fingers. 

She whispered to me, "I love you, Darius, when you were born you brought light onto my life and everyone else you've touched. Never let anyone take that from you.." before i could tell her three words that meant everything, she let out her last breath and i let a final tear go. I pulled the brownish cloak of hers over her body. She said never to bury her, she would deteriorate with the land slowly. I couldn't bear to see it actually occur, but i knew i would give her what she wished. She deserved it. She taught me true kindness.

Moving up from the place next to my Grandmother, i saw Bonnie and Sofia's eyes sparkling with water.

"No more tears" i said to them both, as i faced Sofia demanding her to tell me what happened at the coven.

Slowly she told me word by word about the horror my father and his foreign witches beseeched on my people. Firstly, he told them to join his new coven and leave the weak elders. Most of the people took my father as a fool and didn't do a single thing he told them to. That's when he began killing the old one by one. Then the elders. Before Sofia knew it, most of the main hunters joined my father and his new army of new/old hunter witches. Then there was only the few brave men, their families, Sofia and my poor Grandma left to rebel against the new order.

And thats when the fires started. And everything burned.

My Grandma used her last drops of magic to protect herself and Sofia in the tent. 

My father would pay.

My Grandma would be avenged.

My destiny had been carved out: 

I would stop the demons, not witches, that my father now ruled.


Kissing my dead Grandmother on the head, i left to gather re-enforcements. My father's demise would occur sooner rather than later.

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