Chapter 1 - Kiss!

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The warm breeze against my face told me i was positively not in London anymore. 

WHOOSH! I heard an aerodynamic flying object hit a tree in my vicinity.

I was in the Mystic Fall's woods and looking for a place to stay to prepare for my latest task: Kill the doppelganger. 

"Let the blood of my ancestors

Engulf me with the power

To seek out and destroy

The darkness my enemies shower!"

I said the spell in Spanish, and felt power surge throughout my body. My enemies were as good as dead now, whether they attacked me now or later. I was Darius Livella and i was the youngest elder in my coven of witches/ vampire hunters. I was chosen to kill the only living doppelganger before her blood helped the infamous hybrid named Klaus to dominate the world with an army of bloodthirsty unholy hybrids to his command.How hard could it be? Kill one itsy bitsy teenager. Right?

I saw a bug latch onto my naked arm. I swatted it quickly with one figure and gracefully its dead shell of a body fell to the leafy ground.


Stefan's skin was my very own blanket. Oh, how i hated Monday mornings when his arms held me. Gently i unclenched myself from his arms, i glanced at him before i got dressed. It was glorious. As he slept in the Virginian sunlight i saw a young boy who looked like he was in love, not a blood thirsty monster that he thought he was. 

Brushing my hair in the mirror, i smiled, creating the wall for everyone at school that i was just a normal American teen girl. Not a doppelganger, not a girl in love with a vampire, not a girl with best friends who were vampires, witches, werewolves. Just normal.

Buzz Buzz

I went in to my room, Stefan still asleep, i saw on my white desk that his phone rang. Picking it up, i saw the caller ID. It was Damon. My heart fluttered for a moment but i just pressed the green button and pretended that didn't occur.

"Hello brother, get your Elena stained boxers on, we got a problem" Damon said in his cocky toned voice.

"Hello Damon, its Elena, what happened?" i said, laughing to herself internally about Damon's boxer comment.

"Oh..oh..Well, Bonnie felt some power surge come from the woods, she thinks it might be another witch, but i'm not so optimistic" he said.

"Hmm, i'll talk to her at school. Bye" i said, putting the phone down. What was it about Damon that was so ambigous. Never open about the pain in his heart.

Lockers closing and shutting. Bells ringing. Talking, talking, talking. School has started to bore me these days, knowing that their was so much more in the real world. In the dark. I saw Bonnie walking with Caroline. My two anchors to the truth. I could always rely on them, and they....gosh... they saved me more times then i'd even expected. I loved them. I felt bad that we hardly smiled lately.

Caroline called my name in her best peppy voice, "Elena, girl, come here, we have so much to talk about", which meant: more crazy stuff is about to go down.

Bonnie looked focused, "I think there's another witch in town", she said with a tinge of happiness. She was the only with around this town, of course another witch would be a good thing. "But i'm not sure what kind of witch we're dealing with. Is he here to....kill you?" She said with a worried/questioning look"

Linking Caroline's arm i said, "We'll figure it out, what ever happens, we're in this together, three musketeers".

We all glided to History class, with our very own versions of Damon's infamous 5 billion kilowatt smile.

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