Chapter 23 - Unlucky

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After staring at the blue sky from the library window for the majority of the time of mine and Rebekah's detention, i was undeniably bored. My face looked like an ice statue because all i could think was: Katherine was out right now being her annoying self and i was stuck here in complete silence and never-ending boredom.

The only thing my mind got relief from was the revelation that Katherine was not my twin, but infact something described as doppleganger. But in result of that revelation i felt extremely sorry. Sorry for my friends who must've thought  i was such a fool for thinking Katherine was my twin. For thinking that she was family. Gosh: maybe i was a fool.

My face broke from ice sculpture and became a drooping ice lolly.

Rebekah turned her head from her seat two tables away and smiled at my saddening face. Her smile was wise and friendly. Of all the vampires i had come to know in this short time she was definitely the nicest. But i knew it was not how things probably were. Her eyes had a glazed over look. Like she wasn't truly in the room. Like the image she displayed wasn't her true self.

How great, another mystery for me.

As the teacher who covered the detention let me know that we'd served our time and were now free to go, i collected my lightly packed bag (the only thing in it was random notepads and my diary) and left the library with Rebekah.

 Rebekah walked a few inches behind me, she was being very vigilant and always having her line of sight on me.

"You know you can walk beside me..normally. Following me like that just looks weird. Oh and thanks for saving me from Katherine" i informed my bad ass bodyguard.

"Its my job, doppleganger" she told me.

"And i'm your bodyguard, not one of your silly frilly girlfriends" she stated coldly.

Ouch, that hurt. But it was definitely true. If i had any silly frilly girlfriends, i would not imagine any one of them being able to be able to use their t-shirts to choke another girl. Oh crap, now that just reminded me of the unbelievable image of Rebekah's flopping breasts.

Continuing our walk through the mostly empty corridors and classrooms, i realized my friends would be super angry. There was hardly anyone around, so i knew me and Rebekah must've been stuck in that library for ages,

But as we left the building i saw a familiar face.

I felt as though i was a woman in a Rom-Com  (i know, of all the important things to remember from my memories, my abyss of a mind remembered moments from Rom-Com movies) as i spring-ed towards Darius who waited at the gates of the high school. He looked up at me and his eyes sparkled, as he saw me beaming grin. I jumped into his arms and gave him a quick kiss, he lifted me up into the air. I was about to blush, but before i could, he brought me down slowly and gave me a passionate kiss!

My closed and i fell into the moment.

His mouth reacted with mine with not just tenderness but passion. Burning desire was seething throughout my body.

As my body eased in Darius's arms, my mind began to build an image of another.

It was Stefan.

How odd, he looked happy. More than happy, he looked like he in Heaven.

Before i knew it, a girl ran up to him and he kissed her in the exact way Darius was kissing me. The girl turned around and i released myself from Darius's kiss.

The girl was me.

I shivered and trembled in Darius's hold now, and Rebekah noticed.

"Let her go" she commanded him.

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