Chapter 10 - Hope

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  • Dedicated to Marrium Khan


Opening my eyes for a millisecond, hoping and praying right down to my core that i would see Elena's face, my heart sunk.

My fathers heavy set eyes stared at me as if he was trying to translate to me through his eyes that: I was the biggest liability to him and his reputation. I didn't care, and in that moment i remembered the bomb.

Getting up savagely, i looked around as if i was a pirate who'd found the x on the map but not the gold. Hearing the ticking noise of the bomb, my heart wanted to rip itself out of my chest. I screamed at my father in front of his students and fellow hunters, "Where is she?!? Where!?! Where?!?!", for a second i was shocked by the urgency and the disrespect i was channeling through my voice to my father, but i realized one day with Elena meant more than my entire life under the icy shadow of my father. Hearing another tick, my father answered, "Should be dead" extremely nonchalantly. My mind burned with anger.

Turning around to face the magnificently lit church, my feet began to move before i realized they were. Moving further and further to the church, as more ticking noises went by, i felt a rigidness stir in me and then i was pulled all the way back because of my father's power. I had felt it all my life but this time it was the worst, it was dark, slimy and writhing on my aura. As my body whooshed back and i struggled in the shape i was being forced into, my eyes were lit open with a blazing fire.

With bomb going off, each pillar in the front area of the church began to slowly fall down, in my mind it went extra slow because the collapse of that god forsaken church represented only one thing to me:

Elena's death.

I couldn't keep my eyes closed and i could not keep the water from seeping out of my eye sockets. Apart from the soaring heat from the blazing fire, my heart had begun to shrink in its cage and lock itself in as well.

As my father let go of me, i fell to the muddy ground. Feeling the insects and mud crawl on my skin, i felt something wrong awaken in me and the anger wasn't red anymore, it was dark purple. I got up and attempted to punch my father in the face.


I blinked and Darius was gone. Whoosh, like a dream. A perfect dream that had been ripped from me and turned into a nightmare. Where was he?

My face full of hurt and shock, i began pace the church aisle. The ticking continued, sounding like one of those exploding contraptions. Hm.......that's when i realized what the ticking meant, and i manically ran looking for doors or windows. All happened to be locked. Just my luck: lost my memory and now i'm trapped in a building that's about to explode. And Darius was gone too...that was just the icing on the depression cake for me.

Thats when i heard crashing sound and glass hitting the church floors. Looking up i saw a girl jumping into the church. The space between me and her was nearly 40ft, i thought she was about to kill her self, running to somehow help her, i saw her land gracefully on the red carpet floor.

My jaw open with amazement, this world was unbelievable but it must be my world as the only memory i had was of me floating int the air and the red magical shield around me and Darius. Watching the girl's eyes, i was scared, she was beautiful because of her flowing blond hair, however, her eye's were too piercing to stare at for too long. "Uh.....who are you?"i cowardly asked as i moved further back away from this superhuman girl.

"Elena, come on, what are you talking about? This place is about to blow up, move it!" the blond girl said gesturing me to come towards her. At that moment i knew two things:

1. She knew me. She had said that name. The one that was mine...aparrantly.

2. I didn't recognize a single part of her. Not her blond hair, not her fair skin or her voice.

But she was my only option out of here, and Darius was no where to be seen, causing me extreme discomfort but my instincts kicked in. I had to survive and find my identity, but mainly i wanted to to live.

Moving towards her, she let out her hand, i reluctantly gave my hand to her. Clasping my small hand tightly, she whispered, "Hold on, i'm about to jump about 30ft in the air", i hoped she was right that we only needed 30ft to somehow jump out of the window above us, i really did hope i was extremely bad at maths and the buildings height was less than 30ft.

As she jumped, i felt her rise above me, then i felt a jolt on my body and i went up with her, like a doll or a toy she was playing with. Closing my eyes, i felt the temperature change. The cold wind breathed on my face, we were on the roof, i was sure. Opening my eyes to look at my possible saviour or maybe kidnapper, the girl looked magnificent in the moonlight and the wind blowing at her hair, that's when i saw her right hand clasping at her stomach as if she was in pain. I was too uncomfortable at the time to say anything.

"Lets go, i can feel the bomb's ticking increasing, we need to now!", pulling me with her again, i agreed that we needed to leave, but how were we gonna get off this roof.....thats when i mentally smacked my forehead, we'd get off exactly how we escaped the church. As we ran faster, i saw it on her face, i was lacking in her insane speed, she took me in her arms and ran faster. I felt helpless to conflict her decision to carry me. As the ticking increased, i knew the time was running out.

Just before we reached the edge of the church roof, my saviour jumped before we reached knowing the bomb would kill us if we jumped on the exact edge of the roof. As we jumped through the air, my heart fell to its stomach, the wind whooshed around us, just before we reached the forest ground, the church exploded.

Feeling the full force as we were only a few metres away, our bodies were flung forwards into the trees. Unbelievably, the girl made an oval shape over my body, guarding it from the blast, keeping me safe over herself. She was unreal, but she must've known me, otherwise why would she go to these lengths to save me?

Trying to get out of the blond girl's arms, i felt her trembling and that's when i felt her tears on my cardigan. "Elena, are you OK? I'm so sorry if i let you down. Your my best friend, i didn't try hard enough." feeling her pain, i smiled with joy. I believed her. She was my best friend and she thought i was dead, moving even more. "i'm OK" i whispered.

"I'm so sorry i let you di-" she stopped her sentence and let my body breathe. She looked at me stunned, that's when she hugged me like i was her sister. Even though it was tight, i still felt her warmth and love, she was definitely not a kidnapper, and if she was, she was extremely bad at kidnapping. I laughed internally but smiled wholeheartedly

For the first time in this new fresh life, i didn't feel so confused. Tears ran down my face as i was realizing what she told me, automatically my head began to internally pound. She was definitely telling the truth as my head only hurt when someone told me about my old life. OH GOD! It was killing me, so i pushed off the girl, my old/new best friend and ran, hoping it would help. Running in the woods, my leg hit at something and i tripped, banging my head against a tree. Everything went blank as liquid dripped down my face.

Writer's Message - I just wanted to say i am so sorry if my chapters have been really short or just like 2 pages, from now on i'll try to do 3 pages or more and GIVE MY ALL :) I hope you enjoy the next chapters, lets just say a kick ass chick comes into the picture :D

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