Chapter 16 - Comeback!

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Darius had major jet lag. We had gotten to the motel and he had hit the hay as soon as i shut the cheap wood door. Hm, so i couldn't just stay there and watch the guy sleep like a perv, i left a note and went to the cemetery, i mean i had to pay respects to my...relative.

Walking quickly, far far too quickly through the Mystic Falls woods, i thought about the girl. I thought about Elena.

I honestly thought i'd feel happy she was..gone. But i didn't feel anything really, in a sense i saw myself in her, i didn't just use it as an insult, i honestly saw my issues repeating with her. And then i realized those two boys loved her. Damon would probably be on a rampage, drinking blood like it was on a tap, but Stefan....i was worried now.

Walking up towards the gates of the cemetery, my eyes bewildered me, was that neon lights?

Hm, i could be a real bitch, but a rave in a cemetery? That's just plain...evil. Jumping over the gate to shortcut to get to the group of people gathered in the lit up area where i also so Easter bunnies decorating the surroundings of the young teens, and,,,,middle aged men. Something was going down.

Looking around the vicinity, i saw my flawless Damon...who was that girl he was with? She turned a moment and i thought i had lost my mind. Was Darius lieing to me? My face hardened, i did not like being lied to at all. The girl holding hands with MY Damon was,,,Elena every way. And those lovebirds were walking too close to those middle aged bastards watching them...gosh...i have to do everything around here.

Stomping my boots like the cemetery was my very own catwalk runaway, i felt sexy every second i moved in my new black leather boots. Hearing the clicks of guns, i knew they needed my and looky here, it just happened to be Elena...stuck in another mess.

Walking slowly like i had all the time in the world, i saw all the men click their guns, this time at me.....hehe, they really didn't know Katherine Petrova.

Watching their faces glimmer with confusion, me and Elena had the same face...different hair but completely same face.

Ha ha.

Putting on my best scared little princess voice, i amped up my cuteness by staring at themen with the big bad guns straight into their eyes.

"Oh, whats....whats going on here? I was looking for my twin...." now staring at Elena, i winked for a nanosecond and continued "She's there, oh...please...please...let us go" i begged to the men, i fell to my knees and their guns followed me  like hawks, that's when i began too in echo like a little baby throughout the cemetery.  Hopefully, their bastard leader would come up and help me....after a few seconds, i cried louder. Bastards! My anger grew, how dare they  not help me?

That was when i looked up and saw a fat greasy hand stinking in front of my face...for a moment i was disgusted but i was a good actress and i smiled with content at the bearded man who had a AK-47 in his arms like he was holding a newborn baby. He must think i'm a damsel in distress, when really i'm killer in his midst.

Pulling his hand close to me, i stared with unimaginable concentration to his eyes, "You tell all these teens they can go, tell one of your men to unlock the back gate, if there is one and tell the children that you were looking for......wolves, say it was a false it now or die" i sad to the hypnotised man.

He went and followed my commands. His men looked confused, but none of them had the balls to contradict his orders.

Then  there was just us and them.

Bring it on.


My eyes were wide open. What was happening?

I have a TWIN! 

And she looks 100% cooler than me, i'm wearing dirty jeans and a too big for me shirt, whereas she looked out of this world, i even loved her blond hair. The pink streaks weirdly suited her.....our ivory complexion.

And in a moments time the teenagers were gone but i had a twin....a twin. Weirdly i didn't feel alone anymore. I MEAN I HAD A TWIN. I had a twin. I had twin.

I couldn't stop saying it, i guess i was going crazy with new information, hm, but why didn't Damon tell me? Or Stefan, or K-k-Klaus? I mean they told me about Jeremy, why not her?

One thing i knew about her,well two things:

She dressed cool and dealt with issues perfectly. But i knew one thing, the way that man told everyone to go was not normal. Like he was...being controlled or manipulated.

Was my twin just like Damon, Stefan and...Klaus? Or was i looking into this too much. 

Coming back to reality, the ravers left but two of them walked towards.

A black girl and a white boy holding hands, it was so sweet. They looked like they were made for each other. So why the hell were they coming towards danger?

Aurthor's Note:

So guys, what did you think of this chapter? THANKS FOR READING :D

I'm so happy Katherine is finally back in Mystic Falls, what about you?

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