Chapter 12 - News...

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"Why can't you do it yourself?" i said to mom when she asked to put away her old Chinese food boxes she left from her late night dinners because of Mystic Fall's human creeps causing trouble.

As she grudgingly picked up her own rubbish she said to murmured under her breath, "Ask your super human super vampire daughter to do one little thing and you get the same mo-any complacent teenager's reply like she couldn't do the task in half a second" she continued her rant in the kitchen.

Though Caroline could hear her mother louder than a person sitting on a ticking bomb, her mind was focused on a different matter. Elena, and a bit of Klaus, with a hint of Tyler.

As the i heard the familiar rattling of dishes and utensils mixed with the sound of tap water coming from the kitchen of my home, my phone began buzzing in my pocket. Taking out my phone, i saw the name of the bit i was thinking of: Klaus.

"Apology not accepted" i replied to the old English Original vampire after he attempted to apologize for kissing me.

"Hmm, can't say didn't enjoy it"

My teeth gritted, he was right.

"Yeah yeah, go ahead talking you cocky....old man!" trying to emphasize on the "old man" bit.

"Hm, your trying to annoy me because you know you did" he said with so much self-righteousness that i just wanted to slap him right! Annoyingly i was using a stupid cellphone.

"Whatever" i said before snapping my flip up cell phone. The reason i still have a slightly elder version cellphone is mainly because of the flip bit. It flips ironically like a door. 

As silence arrived from the kitchen, my mother returned from the kitchen i asked her with a striking energy,

"Where's the sponges mom?", the only way i could brush my confusing and continous thinking of...of Klaus.  Time to do some serious-ass cleaning!


The memories of Elena's displaying Katherine conflicted slightly with the that was sitting with me in the retro cafe. She was being surprisingly co-operative even though she hated my  accent.

Apparently, she thought my accent reminded her of Klaus. 

"That's so sweet of you. Are you trying to say i'm similar to the most evil vampire on the planet?" i happily flirted with her as i took a another bite of my chocolate muffin. OK, i'm flirting with this vampire, but to me she wasn't just a vampire. She had Elena's face and that was all that mattered.

After she explained to me about who she was, even though i kinda knew thanks to Elena's mind, i told her about my connection with Elena and her reaction was surprising:

"Oh...woah" she said in her now harmless sounding American accent. This was the most quiet she had been in the conversation.

"You sure" she said, "Those brothers would do anything to get her back", by the brothers, i guess she meant the Salvatores. My  heart weirdly felt bad for them.From Elena's memories and feelings i knew her love for both of them if it was electricity could power every human city until the end of time. Now they had lost her, a diamond, we all lost. 

Katherine's doubts almost made me feel more hope for the devilish dream i had about my father killing Elena, not about him killing her, about her being alive. But instead i just said:

"Yes..i'm sure" i lied.

"Well, i guess i'm gonna head back to ole' Mystic Falls, wanna come with me?"

I really did thought about it for a long time, you know?

After a second, i grinned.

I needed to get out of here, even if our destination would lead back to the place that made me feel pain. But also i would never forget the new-born fresh love that so quickly got burnt out. God, i hated my father so much.


"Es muy importante...muy importante! " i kept shouting to old witch friends in Spain. After half an hour of trying to communicate with them, i gave up. All the information they gave, we already knew. 

No one could tell Elena a thing about her past or else her head starts deactivating.

Therefore only she can change her current state.

But how  the bloody hell is she meant to do that? This dilemma in my head had caused me to send Caroline home to rest earlier, she was practically on her last vampire legs. The phone call showed she still felt anger, which was just great. My mood was on a downwards spiral.

Looking at the Salvatore brothers brooding over the sleeping girl, i got an idea.

The witches who did this were extremely, extremely strong and three vampires (Caroline would never come in harms way again!) couldn't even get halfway to the witch that had done this. Their power was older than Bonnie's and what the hell were their human friends gonna do to help? We were in deep crap, there was only one solution:

"I need her blood"

The two vampire's faces look at me like death.

"Look if i couldn't stop these bastard witches to save her" i said pointing at Elena, "then how the hell are us three going to find out how to save her? We need reinforcements. I mean....vampires are so season one. We need hybrids" , OK, i couldn't help but saying that joke, i mean, come on!

The brothers both answered together:

"No" said Stefan, "Yes" said Damon.

Oh crap, here i thought i'd be the enemy, looks like these two are gonna go at it again over one silly human girl who  had immense power within  her blood.

"Stop" i said before the two boys got their fangs out, "Stefan can't you see? Don't you want your Elena back,  this person here on the bed, she's probably in agony.....she's useless"


"....she's useless" was the first two words i woke up to after getting help for the blond girl, after that i don't remember much. Two handsome boys holding me up, i was starving, dropping me in a comfortable bed and next thing i knew, i was asleep.

Flicking one of my eyes open, i saw a blond haired man, who looked to be in his mid-twenties, but i really wasn't sure about anything. The blond girl, who was my best the past, looked nearly 17, she could  pass for 15 if she tried, however the things she could do were superhuman.

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