Chapter 3 - Not Yet

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  • Dedicated to Katherine101 TwistedRoad :) Thanks you guys!


Dropping my fork, i got up, ignoring all the stares i got as i walked away with Miss Hunter. Something was up with her. Something was wrong. Like she had been compelled but she seemed too in control in a sense. To show my feelings as i left my seat, i slid my fingers across Bonnie's shoulders. We had made it our new signal for danger danger danger! Hopefully she hadn't forgot about it. As i walked straight out the canteen doors, Miss Hunter put her hands on shoulder, almost holding like i would escape. Like i was her prisoner. Her hostage.

At that thought, my heart began beating faster. Something was terribly wrong. Stefan would come, he always did. Always.


After walking round the corridors of this bloody school at least twice, i found the dull looking door again, where i possessed the drab Science teacher, i had to go to this room otherwise i'd loose my image of being this woman in front of the doppelganger.

"Um, go in Elena, i'll be there in a moment, dear" i said to her awkwardly, i had practised this possession spell only a couple of times, but this was the first time i was actually using it in the field, and boy was it hard pretending to be this woman. 

Standing there staring at the circular lights on the corridor's cieling, hmm, what to do next?

Call an elder

I sighed heavily, the elders were group where everyone had their own agendas, no one helped anyone, expect one person for me. My father. Grudgingly, i took my cellphone out of my- OH CRAP!

Feeling my curvy body and skirt, i realized i left my clothes in the room, where Elena would be. Shit!


The moment i saw random guy jeans and shirt on the floor of the classroom, i knew something was up. I ran to the window, pushing it open, i got ready to jump.

One thing i knew from experience in my world, is that wasting time isn't just a small mistake, wasting time is deadly. So standing on the classroom ledge, the window pushed out all the way, i saw the concrete grounds of our high school wouldn't be entirely crazy, iny my world it would be considered smart. Hm, but i was scared.

"Elennnnnnaaaa" said Miss Hunter, with a scary sinister tone that pushed me, i jumped! 

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH", i screamed. I kept my eyes closed shut, as the air hit my body. Then everything stopped. My eyes still closed, i thought i was dead. I really did. Then i opened them. The concrete ground was just an inch from my face. I was floating. Levitating, some magic. BONNIE!

I beamed a smile. Waiting for Bonnie to fully land me on the floor, gently, i waited. Then slowly, i floated opposite the way i expected to go. What the hell!?! As i went higher, i could more and more scared. Someone was doing this, some other witch. The one Bonnie said had come to town. 

"Elena, what did i say to you dear, go in my classroom, not jump out of it, you silly billy" said Miss Hunter, her voice was different. Her distinctive New York accent was gone. How did i not notice this!?! Her accent was British. As my body turn around, i could see her hands maneuvering where my body went, like i was her doll. Her eyes, they changed, she was different.

As she pulled my body into the classroom. She held my body tight, like a strong wrestler would, not a teacher, not a woman. My life just got a whole lot crazy. But where was Bonnie and Stefan? I sighed with fustration and anger at the new villian in our lives. Our teacher, i think.


Hearing voices, i dropped Elena's body while keeping my telepathic power on her body to stay tight and in my control, i walked to the classroom light and shut it. Then i closed all the window, with my mind and pushed one door, blocking the door. Grabbing my clothes, i moved back to Elena.

Hearing the voices come closer and the footsteps. I whispered to Elena:

"Keep quiet, or you die, simple. Got it" i stated to her, she nodded, "Good....good..good"

As the voices got closer, i pushed Elena, more to the wall. We heard their conversation

"Stefan, somethings up, i can feel it, trust, me, we gotta find her" said the female of the pair. 

"OK, i understand, this is her class room right?" said the male, who must've been the boy named Stefan. "Yes, this should be it, but.....its dark, i don't think anyone is there" said the female. Yes! i screamed mentally, hopefully they would leave now, if not, i wasn't afraid to deal with them. But as my father had once said: Kill it, Leave it, No more, No less. So i decided it was best to stay hidden, until, look down at her, the doppelganger was dead.

"Any other places, she would go" said Stefan.

"Hm, maybe the faculty room" said the girl.

"Ok Bonnie, lets go, i get it too, somethings not right" said Stefan.

Slowly their footsteps got quieter and quieter, as my smile got bigger and Elena's moans and groans, probably sobs got louder.

"Keep quiet" i snapped at her, " Being quiet will keep you alive for tonight", i wasn't lieing, i mean i will kill her, just not yet. 

Not yet.


Love me. He said he loved me.

My feet pressuring the branch i sat on as i thought more about Klaus. He said he loved me but i thought he couldn't love any creature on this universe. He was a monster. A destructive villain. A monster. I....i..i didn't believe it.

Klaus didn't love, he just used and abused. He played with everyone, his little games.

I was a toy, that's all. Right? But his eyes, they said something else. Something else. Like the way Stefan and Damon look at Elena. The way they stare at her like shes a masterpiece they need to keep for being ruined. That was how he looked at me.

It was dark now. School was probably over. I stared at the moonlight that shone on me. It made me think of Tyler, but now it had a different meaning too. 



Oh god, where was she. If the hunter or hunters were still out here, she could be in more trouble than it seems.

But i would find her. I would. I knew it

"Ah" i heard Caroline groan, what a fascinating but heartbreaking sound. She hadn't healed yet. She has hardly any blood in her. Crap.

"God damn you hunter" i whispered to myself. The hunter would pay if it was the last thing-

That's when i saw Caroline in the moonlight, what a sight.

That enchantingly beautiful moment was when she fell. As her blood deprivation took over, her eyes closed and she fainted. On a 20ft tree!

I ran!


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