Chapter 27 - Our Love

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*Dedicated to Andrea...a girl with passion and a friend who i will never forget*


Now where could you find some were-wolves in London?

After calling up an old contact, i had the area, Katerina was hopefully bringing the doppelganger, now i just needed one last thing.

Walking in the mundane hotel corridor, i decided to hit up the more interesting Salvatore...well i can't  just recruit at least 10 more hybrids on my own now,can i.

After knocking twice, the door opened to the ever sarcastic Mr Damon.

"Hm, what do you want?" he asked me bluntly.

I gave him a side smile and said, "Vampires were so last year, my friend" he looked at me with dagger eyes but i still continued.

"Hybrids are the new trend!" i informed him with my pantomime smile shining.


"Why, oh, why does Klaus find me so important?" i asked anyone who was nearby and apart of our little group. 

Caroline piped up from her plane seat and told me what she knew, "Your blood is special. Its the only way to create Klaus's little hybrid minions" she said with resentment. At the part about minions.

I looked out to white clouds and a blue sky through the plane window. Then i thought and said together:

"Whats a hybrid?" and Rebeckah said in her old yet sophisticated accent to me,

"A hybrid is a supernatural that is able to turn into a wolf at will, as well as exist as a vampire too" she said it like it was the official definition from a dictionary.

Wow, and i thought this world couldn't get any weirder. Any more complicated.

Rebekah smirked notoriously and said, "Caroline would know a little about that" which made Caroline give her a death stare right before she got her small white headphones into her ears, to escape into another world.

And just when i thought i was getting the hang of who everyone was and what they were about...things just got even more ambiguous.

I mean it was creepy just to think that Rebekah, who sat next to me, also sat next to Katherine. Who had my face. It just looked so...CRAZY!

Even though Katherine has her stand-out blond and pink hair. 

Still i felt incredibly icky to think that i had once thought that Katherine could be my twin. I mean she could pretend, but honest to God i was more than happy to know she was not apart of my immediate family.


"Yes sir" i said to the red eyed villain that sat opposite me like he was a teacher at my high school. Like he was someone to be respected. 

But he was not. 

He stared at me curiously, "Where are you from boy? I don't recognize you from my puny puny coven, and you're energy levels aren't tangible. Your not a witch, that's for definite" he explained to me like he knew about my entire life in that one statement.

One of his advisers that stood up straight next to him, said out loud, "He is from the doppelganger's town, you see we needed more help on the guard service in our palace, sir" and just like that his adviser closed his mouth and looked straight on like he was in an invisible hypnosis.

"Did you know-" before the red-eyed leader could ask me his question, a moving servant of his came through the large black marble doors and announced urgent news. His voice showed me he was out of breath. Even though, he looked like he was my age. But his heavily tanned skin confirmed my suspicion, i was no longer in Mystic Falls, i was probably no longer in America.

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