Chapter 13 - Realization

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Even though i was trying to concentrate on Klaus's persuasion towards my brother to use her blood, my eyes couldn't stop looking at her through my peripheral vision. She wasn't dead. She was not dead. She wasn't not alive. She was alive. She had not left me. That was all that truly mattered to me. I was stuck in this hell that i masked with arrogance and bourbon. The hell of living with only my brother who run out of love for me, the hell of watching people around me die, the hell of being alone, the hell of not having Elena. 

God, i loved her.

As Klaus continued, my heart jumped like i had been killed...with happiness, her eyes were finally open. Yes, her mind was lost, but i knew one thing, i would find any cost.


As i saw the three men, i felt extremely embarrassed. I mean these guys were quite handsome, and i was just some random lost girl waking up with bed head hair. But after a second i didn't really care, my mind was stuck on Darius, my dream was of him, i mean he had to be real right? My heart literally hurt in that moment. What was worse was that i had begun to think about why someone would take my memories from me? Was i horrible person? My mind shivered.

Shuffling in the sheets that had become extremely uncomfortable on my moist skin, i saw the two boys turn around rapidly to face me instead of the blond man, their eyes full of worry and immense longing. Now who were they to me?

"Elena, um, how are you? " said the boy with green eyes and a sculpted beautiful face. 

The name irritated me in that moment. It felt empty to me. Not familiar. Not like home. Not mine.

"Hm, i'm OK i guess, don't call me that please, i don', i don't like it" i said it with firmness, i was tired of this mind of mine being in darkness, it was time to be assertive. God knows how i must've been before. The boy with the green eyes looked slightly hurt, but brushed it off. "Who are you two...uh three?" i said pointing at the blond man as well as the boy with dark hair and extremely piercing blue eyes.

"I'm Damon" said the one with blue eyes. Beaming a smile he said, "And that's my brother, Stefan" he gestured towards  the boy with green eyes.

"Oh and i'm Klaus" said the slightly sinister looking blonde man. His smile was so off-putting to how safe i felt with three random guys i probably had forgotten as well.

At that moment a beeping noise came up and a voice started to sing "I Put A Spell On You".

Damon said, "Oh that's me, and its our little witch " he said with a surprising smile as only seconds ago he looked more worried than a mother waiting for her child. Or someone who had lost their true love. The same went for Stefan.

"He's where?!?" Damon exclaimed dramatically, "Jeez, emo boy must've believed she was truly gone, did you tell him?"waiting for a few seconds, he replied to the voice on his phone, "You've lost him, great, OK...OK..OK we'll be there before you know it"

"Well what happened?" asked Stefan.

Before Damon replied in front of all of us he whispered into his brother's ears. God that anyoned me. Thank god they were extremely bad whispering. 

I caught something about "its dangerous" and "she can't know" but the conversation changed to "but clues". Obviously  this conversation must've been about me.

Stefan came slightly closer to me and let me know that "A boy named Jeremy. Well he needs help, he thinks your dead and has kinda..well we can't find him. know" he took paused with a conflicted and troubled expression. Whatever he was thinking about must be important. "Me and Damon are brothers, Jeremy is your..." He tried to gesture to him and Damon and frankly is hilarious for a moment.

I nodded with clarity. And smiled at him for just a second.

We had to find Jeremy.


Tex-ting Damon my location, the lights and neon bunnies were blinding. But the music was unbelievable. It was techno and trance mixed into this fusion that took control of how you're body moved, but i was trying my best to concentrate on: Jeremy.

Last i saw him, he screamed "I let Elena die!" and run the Gilbert house before i could even explain. Before i could even  rest from the crazy whirlwind this day had become. Writhing on the ground back there, i honestly thought that was the end. Klaus, yes Klaus, i'm still alive.

Looking like the complete opposite to many people at the rave, i moved swiftly and tried not to get occupied with neon coloured bodies bouncing against me. I honestly can't believe the council have allowed a NEON RAVE FOR EASTER to happen AT MYSTIC FALLS CEMETERY. I wanted to be all negative but honestly weirder things have happened. Hell, i'm a witch.

Seeing more drunk ravers kissing or grinding on eachother, i tried unfortunately to look for the people in the darker areas... doing drugs. I mean Jeremy's track record wasn't clean. But i was gonna save that boy, not just for Elena, for me.

He cheated on me with a ghost. But he's been there with me from the end. To be honest he's one of most innocent of all of us. I wasn't gonna let him get lost in the dark.

Pushing past more people jiving and jumping to the music's beats. I smelled a weird smoke, too exotic to be cigarettes. Weed. Definitely. How do i know? Herbs and spices, what were you thinking? Hehee.

Seeing less colourful people sitting on logs around a fire, smoking what to a pure child would look like normal cigarettes, i saw him. He was right in the front, holding a bottle of pure vodka with his hood pulled trying to hid his eyes. He had no neon clothes on, nor  neon bands or necklaces. Gosh, he looked like the incarnate of Depression. I had to get him out of here.

Just then he got up and walked into another crowd. My mind and heart raced as i tried to get to Jeremy. Shouting his name over deafening music, A GUN SHOT ECHOED THROUGHOUT THE GATED CEMETERY. My body froze. 

People screamed. As another gun shot occured, people ran and pushed to get out to the front gate. The only one that would be open. There was no exits i realized, the gun shots came from the front. Whoever had come to the rave wanted us all to be trapped. My heart sunk.


The lovely council had only one purpose when allowing everyone here have a rave. They were looking for vampires. I just knew it. 

I had to find Jeremy. Oh no, another epiphany occurred in my brain.

I had invited about three vampires to this anti-vampire party.

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