Chapter 18 - Long Run

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Being dragged away by my brother and his....girl. I couldn't help but look back at my twin, it was looking like a mirror, yes a mirror with blond extensions but still a mirror. I was scared for her, even after her miraculous healing that occurred just a few seconds ago. She just stared at me like i was mentally disabled.

As Jeremy dragged me and kept telling me to move it, i knew one thing: He obviously didn't know about my predicament, he did not know i hardly remembered  him,  neither did his girl.

She kept looking back at me, though.

"You OK?" she i recognised her voice a little. I think she was at the church when it...exploded. Maybe she did know that i lost my entire mind?

I just nodded and continued moving my slow butt.

The sounds of boots stomping on the ground occurred again, i turned my head round. Oh crap. My heart beating extra fast, i was scared out of my mind.

More men came after us, but right behind them....was Stefan. But what could he do? Those men were holding guns, grenades and other deadly weapons. I was soon to be surprised by Stefan.

He ran too fast for me to visibly keep track of him until he jumped, his fist at the ready...that's when i knew i couldn't bare to see what Stefan did next.  I turned my head round and kept up my pace with Jeremy, only to hear the sounds of crashing bones and liquid splattering....probably.....blood. He was definitely like his brother then, because after that encounter i no longer heard boots stomping behind me. Thank god.


Hm, i totally forgot to tell Jeremy about his sister....she's gone. Hm, it was weird when i  was with Jeremy Elena became "his sister" but when it was just me and Elena, she was my awesome best friend. That meant right now i was extra struggling with situation: How do i tell my soul mate that his sister had been attacked by crazy witches, who took away her memory, oh yeah and his sister happens to be my best friend as well.

Reaching a black metal gate of one of the many sides of the cemetery, we could see a road over it. Catching my breath after rushing away from the rave's center,i told Jeremy to stop.

"I think they probably dealt with them, lets just wait now" i told my soulmate. Hmm, i don't think could stop calling him that in my mind. How could i let him go now after knowing so much? It made heart

"OK...OK..OK", looks like her also had to catch his breath, but before i knew it, he turned around. "so Elena you alright? What happened at the church?" said Jeremy unfortunately... as now this was about to get super complicated for them both.

However, it was like Elena was lost in a different world but Jeremy still called her name again. She looked super confused and then with a sad expression on her face, she must've realized what he was calling her. Elena, the name she hardly knew.

"Um, what happened? I was with a..a friend, then he just vanished, the next thing i knew this blond girl claiming she was my best friend took me before the ticking bomb killed us both, she was a bit injured and i think i fainted, next thing i knew i awoke to three random guys" Elena said with utter confusion

Jeremys reply told me he had no clue what  was going: "Blond girl? Three random guys? Don't you mean Caroline?" Jeremy looked at me with uber confusion enfused in his face.

I had a bad poker face, so my face said it all: I knew something he didn't.

He crossed his arms and put on a stern teacher/adult face in my direction. I couldn't just ignore him, so i just told him the entire truth.

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