Chapter 5 - Elena's Finale Part 2

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The spell the witch had done on me had worn off. I was outdoors. I could feel insects and grass, mud all on my skin. I opened my eyes just slowly enough to see the witch facing away from me, he was talking on his cellphone, by the sound of it, he didn't seem to be enjoying the conversation.

"I know, i know she's a danger to everyone,but.....i'm tired"

"Your tired....your tired! You disappoint me more everyday" said the mean voice coming from the cellphone.

"I'm not saying i won't do it, i will, just, i need time" whimpered the witch.

"You will kill the doppelganger! If it is the last thing you do, Darius! Your just like your soft stupid mother!" yelled the sinister voice.

"Ok, father, ok, it'll be done, i....i promise" said the witch quietly.

Wow, he said "father". That horrible twit was the witch's father. No one wonder he turned out so twisted. Almost forgetting, i realized, they want to kill me. Oh no, i mentally whimpered to myself.

Where is Stefan? 


Hanging up on my cold hearted father, i put up my wall again, I was a hunter witch. Nothing more, nothing less.

Turning around to my victim, i saw her  and immediately realized the sleep spell had worn off. Unusually, i had started to blush because i had realized what Elena had heard. My father. Ugh.

Watching her pretend she was asleep for a few moments, i got lost in her warm face, as people must do. The fire i had started using nearby twigs and fallen branches, startingly made her shine even more.

"Hm, while she's asleep, i can have my way with her" i joked to myself, "Yes, Darius, that's a perfect idea", i giggled internally. That's when her eyes moved, i laughed hysterically.

"I knew your awake, doppelganger" i said to her with superiority, "I am not some dumb American teenager, who can fall for your charm" i lied to myself and her right there. She opened her eyes, they were full of defiance, anger and something else, something strange. Pity.


I looked at him and saw one thing only now: a little boy.

"I feel sorry for you" i said to him, with firmness in my voice showing him i wasn't insulting him, " i really do"

He snapped back rapidly,"You know nothing, you silly girl....your entire life is probably a lie"

Wow, that actually hurt, because some of it was true. I hadn't known i was adopted until like 9 months ago, so yeah in a sense he was right. " I'm not silly, and you can't kill me, your too weak, you probably don't know why your even doing this, your just a follower" i said to him, i had never spoken to my captor like this before. It was different.

"I know why. Your a danger to everyone. I'm not surprised your not even living with that monster called Klaus, your blood is danger to every human and to Klaus its happiness. Killing you isn't a joke anymore. Its my duty" he said to me and strangely i could understand perfectly.

"Say what you want. I have people who love me, who i love, and will change my fate!" i began pleading to him. Pleading for my life.

That's when i heard the thumps on the ground. No, they were more like footsteps on the ground. Then i heard voices. One voice stood out.

"Where is that boy?! I knew he couldn't handle this tiny task" said the sinister voice that i had heard on the witch's cellphone.

Then on the witch's face in front me i saw a concrete smile. He wasn't happy or sad. 

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