Chapter 14 - Past Lives

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As people nervously moved to the front where the council probably resided, i saw Jeremy move further and further out where their were no neon lights or giant Easter bunnies. 

I swiftly ran to get him. I can't believe he didn't even react to the gun shots, God, he must be really drunk right now. The weird yearning in my heart for him grew, it never truly left me, i guess that's why i haven't been with another person after Jeremy. I can't forget him.

Moving closer and closer to Jeremy, i saw him take more swigs of the bottle of Vodka. 

"Jeremy, stop, i need to tell you something" i pleaded  to him.

He turned around, and his face made me want to cry. His eyes were red and i could smell the alcohol from his breath. For a second i thought he'd listen then his eyes became full of rage and i got scared.

"What are you doing HERE!?! You stupid stupid girl, after all that crap with Anna, you actually still CARE! YOUR PATHETIC, JUST LEAVE, I SAID JUST LEAVE!!! NOW!!" he shouted at my frozen face.


I didn't deserve Bonnie. I still loved her with my entire soul but right now i deserved no one. I had lost Elena, Aunt Jenna, Alaric and my parents. I couldn't bear to see myself losing Bonnie, so i let her go now.

I wasn't worth her forgiveness or worry anyways.


My eyes were watering. I could not believe he said all that to me.

"" my voice begun to break, i wanted to sob my eyes out and all he did was just turn away and walk further away from my broken heart.

I turned around and just kept on walking back to the lights, trying my best, my entire best to not cry. Walking further and further, i hated myself, i wanted to go back to that boy who hated me, i wanted to  help him....because i loved him.

My red sneaker hit against a headstone. I felt bad, but right now i just wanted to leave this horrible place, that's when i looked down at the headstone.

It was Gram's head stone.

My knees felt to the ground. Oh god, i needed her so much today. I alone. I began to sob out tears that i thought had been left behind in a different time.

Then i  heard a voice, a voice unbelievable to a normal human being. It was Grams and she told me:

"The truth is full of unimaginable beauty. Go back Bonnie" and then she whispered to me a spell. 

 I just wanted to cherish another moment of Grams being around me , but I don't know what would happen when i did this spell, i just knew i had to do it. I got up, and brushed off the dirt on the knee area of my jeans, turning around, i saw him.

He was still taking swigs of that poisonous alcohol. Moving faster than i had ever before, i felt power rise in my body. As i got closer and closer to Jeremy, i wiped away the tears caused by him and Gram's voice. Reaching him, i stood right behind his back, he hadn't noticed one bit. As he took another swig of the bottle, i moved my hands slowly to his face, i felt his eyelids close and there, i put my palms.

Then i whispered the ancient spell:

"Muéstrame la verdad, con el poder del amor" (Show me the truth, with the power of love )

Time had stopped. And only i could really move.

That's when i felt myself slip into a different realm.

I saw two hearts divide and then multiply into one. Oh God, this was some kind of beautiful vision, too heavenly that i couldn't believe i was experiencing it. As the hearts became one, sparks exploded until it covered my entire sight.

I felt the power of love take me to places that were now homes in my old soul:

To Egypt, where i was a Pharaoh's wife and i fell for Jeremy, who was a slave.

To Hawaii where our tribes had fought for decades, we were executed for having a child together.

To Antarctica where he saved me from being killed by a shark, we died by frostbite in our old age.

To England, where i was a Duchess and he was a pickpocket. It was love at first sight.

To India, where he used all his savings for the best goat just to take my hand in marriage.

To Texas, where i was a famous Jewel thief, i robbed him and his heart.

And finally, to Mystic Falls ;)

As i felt the power slowly say good bye to me, time began to start up again and i had left  the euphoria of the many places i had seen. 

I wanted to smile for a billion years, Jeremy  was in a every one of my past lives. He was part of my soul.  And just then, 

I wanted to cry.

Cry tears of love. I couldn't stop myself now. I rapidly turned Jeremy's face around and punched the stupid Vodka bottle out of his hands, he looked so confused. I just smiled at him.

I grabbed 'his vodka and got knows what else' smelling face and kissed him. I felt the wonderful neon lights and glorious moonlight shine on me and my soul mate.


Holding her hand, as we moved in a way only a super human vampire could, i just wanted to stare at her all day.

She looked at me, with such confusion of everything, i just wanted to hold her and take away all her pain.

That's when we reached the park. Wow, i must have been going super slow as Klaus and my brother were already there.


I didn't know this Jeremy character. But i guess he was my brother. And right now, i just needed some family. Not gorgeous boys who could do unbelievable things.

As we arrived at the lit up cemetery, i saw the gates were open. To a cemetery? The gates were open? If to someone with no memory that felt suspicious, then something must be wrong.

Going inside, we saw from a distance, where all the main headstones and graves were, the incredible mass of neon lights and.....was that Easter bunnies?

"What the hell is going on here?" i  asked with alarm and complete bewilderness.

Stefan looked and at me and in the best way he could he said, "Well, it looks like some weird neon rave for Easter happened, but with no music?" he let out with probably more confusion then i did.

Thats when Damon got beeped again. Taking his phone out andd pressing on the screen a couple times, he let us knew the truth behind this quiet situation.

"The council used this place to supernatural creatures (God another thing they could no tell me!) so i guess we gotta stop these arseholes, what d'ya guys think?" he said ending on a slightly positive note.

Klaus looked at all of us and said with joy "Well i guess this'll be good practice for those bastard witches! Plus i am hungry! I mean its a full moon" he chuckled.

The word "witches" made my brain feel only a tiny bitter dizzy, but i was OK, thankfully otherwise Damon's and Stefan's worried looks might end up in all of us being killed.

Looks like its time to kick ass...again. The sun was slowly hitting the sky, while the beautiful moon had begun to leave us.

Mourning madness.

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