Chapter 26 - How Devilish Part 2

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"So you're saying me and Rebekah need to bring Elena to London otherwise you're hybrid dogs will have us executed?" i summarised Klaus's commands back to him.

"And i'm guessing you want Stefan and Caroline...for re-enforcement's?" i asked him.

He hesitated before answering, "Uh, yeah that's it." HM, what was he so undecided on, eh?

I pressed the red call button and that was the end of conversation with the devil. Thank God.

Moving back to the dark bedroom, i saw the sleepy sultry..naked Rebekah still in bed. "Wake up Becka! We got some errands to run!" the poor blond woke up, her eyes looked completely exhausted. But too bad, i wasn't not gonna be ravaged by her brother's hybrids!

Looks like we had some serious compelling and doppelganger-napping to do! Plus, it was 11:00am on a Monday, so the school is probably our first location to check for her.


Walking down the pristine paths in the school, passing people and the bland blue coloured lockers, i finally felt as though i was used to this place. Hopefully, i would not get a scenery change anytime soon.

As i walked to my locker, i thought about Darius. Was he OK?

Was he safe?

After taking my History book out, i closed my locker and behind the small door stood the tall Stefan. He waved at me and smiled. Now what did he want?

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for my reaction to...everything." he apologized to me. Hm, i guess i couldn't blame him, right?

I smiled at him and said, "I forgive you, its fine. I understand, the girl you love just came back safe but remembers nothing and oh she loves this other guy now" i comforted him. But hey....did i just say "love"?

He looked at me, " Yeah, i guess that's exactly how i felt, but i know that-" before Stefan could finish his point, a smart looking older woman wearing glasses came up to me and told both me and Stefan to make our way to the front reception.

As we made our way, on the left i saw Caroline come our direction too. 

"You guys got told to go to the front reception too, didn't you?" she asked us.

Me and Stefan nodded in unison, as Jeremy walked from the other end of the corridor. He looked at us three with a confused expression. "Um, guys don't you have first period now?".

And before i knew it, Jeremy joined our little journey to the front reception. Our little gang. For the first time i felt...almost like i belonged. But i couldn't attempt a smile yet...i mean DARIUS WASN'T HERE! And...i apparently loved him. I chuckled out loud slowly. Caroline looked at me weirdly, then smiled herself.

As i pushed down the handle to the reception, the receptionist at the front looked completely hypnotised. I'm guessing it was because Katherine was standing right in front of her.

The receptionist monotonous called to us, "Your mother...Katherine Gilbert Salvatore Forbes is here to collect you because of an emergency" and like that we were allowed out of school.

Jeremy just slid out, even though he wasn't technically allowed. Katherine just stared at him for a moment and told us to follow her. 

Caroline whispered in my ear, "Three sure names.....really?". I would've laughed if i hadn't been shocked by the big red truck that Rebekah was now in the drivers seat of. 

Where the hell.....what the hell is going on?

All i thought was: this definitely has something to do with that Klaus dude!


So how did i get from beating Katherine's butt to now snuggling up to her at nighttime? I honestly don't know. My sexuality sometimes loses control. But i didn't mind. 

I was having a good time.

As the rest of the Mystic Falls Supernatural gang got in the truck, Katherine explained to them the circumstances in a lovely intellectual manner.

"We're getting the Fuck out of Mystic Falls and going to Queen's Kingdom!" she shouted from the passenger seat to the two teens and two vamps in the backseat.

"She's trying to say we're going to Britain" i explained to the kids in aristocratic British accent. It would almost be like going home. He he.

My voice changed from relaxed to serious in a milli-second, "Elena put on you're seat belt now.", this random urge in my mind to protect had arrived again. I didn't even know if i hated it or not! But it was definitely awake now. Ugh. Serious Ugh moment.

Elena quickly listened to my order and we began our journey to the airport.

Viva Las England!


After helping Darius's rather feisty friend get to her relatives in a nearby village, we headed back to London, apparently Klaus said the rest of the gang would meet us there to discuss further in the plans to take down the hunter witch coven, plus get Elena's memories back.

But Darius was different.

I tried to make him feel better,  but he said nothing. His grandmother's death had changed him...completely. I totally understood.

When Grams passed, my whole life went upside down. And right now i knew what Darius was feeling. Anger, hatred and revenge. He wanted to kill his father. But that kind of hate can turn a person cold. If it wasn't for Elena, Caroline i would be...i would be cahoots with Klaus basically.

So i said to Darius in he taxi back to London, "I know how you feel. My grandma died too. And i lived with her, she was my family. She taught me everything  i knew. It still hurts. But i know what would have hurt more would be if Grams knew her death had changed who i was. You know. Don't let this change you Darius. I can see you're a good person" i smiled at him. But his face just stared at me for a moment and then continued to stare at the rain on the cobbled streets.

We were nearly back to the hotel in London. Hm, and i don't think i had enough time to divert Darius's feelings on what he was gonna do next.  I could not divert him from his vendetta against his father.

So i know this is selfish, but i just thought of him. Of Jeremy, even though there would be danger in the next parts of helping Elena, i hoped he would come to London too. 

I remembered one part of our past lives.

He had kissed me.

Kissed me in Trafalgar Square. At midnight on my birthday. I  was a nun-in-training and he was solider on his 1 month off duty. It was tragic but glorious!


Why did you have to go that crazy looking red shield in the sky?

Oh yeah, Elena. 

But look where its got you some country in the Middle East. Forced to become some security guard.

I watched as i saw the leader of this creepy cult decide their next moves of world domination like it was a Bond movie. 

Crap. This was just the icing on the stupid Matt cake.

But my heart began to sink as the man on the red throne pointed at me and  told me to:

"Come forward,!" his crackly voice echoed in my head. These wern't ordinary hunters i had figured out. All i knew was anyone  who believe Klaus was a demon was wrong, because the true devil was right in front of me.

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