Chapter 21 - Tension

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With burnt toast, which Bonnie made for whoever was hungry, in my mouth in the backseat of Jeremy's car, with Rebeckah on my left and me staring out the window, i decided to open up my leather diary but i preferred it being called a journal. 

This sounded extremely emotionless but i skimmed through all the extremely sad parts of my journal e.g. a car crash that killed my parents, the death of my aunt and then the death of her boyfriend, who was also my history teacher. 

Instead i focused on the present themes that arrived in my diary. 

After reading about the end of a relationship with a boy named Matt, i learned from this autobiography that i had begun to see Stefan. By the look of it i was madly in love.

Reading on through the diary, i had a shocking but understandable revelation:

Stefan was a vampire, as was Damon.

That explained everything!

My mind quickly reviewed on what it knew about vampires.

Live on blood, superhuman abilities and immortal. That made me think of questions, for example, did Stefan ever feed on me? was he always as crazy as he was when Darius said he loved me? was i hinting slightly in my diary that Damon had feelings for me because many times i had wrote about how Damon thought i was like Katherine and he cared terribly for me. 

I was just reading about a concept of doppelgangers, when Jeremy honked and stopped in the middle of the car park  that we had entered.

Looking up from my diary i saw my own face. With blonde hair of course. It was my twin, Katherine.

She winked and playfully stomped her hand on Jeremy's dark blue truck and continued towards the school that i had been going to for about 4 years now. Mystic Falls High School. 

But, gosh, i just realized Katherine must be a vampire too. She was too....too abnormal. She healed miraculously last night. Too miraculously. 

I lightly smiled at as she went. That was the only kindness she got from the residents of Jeremy's truck that morning.


What a bitch! i thought about Katherine. 

Then i said it out loud and Jeremy nodded but Elena just chuckled lightly. Hm, she still must think that witch is her twin. How are we gonna  break it to her that Katherine is nothing like her, in fact she's bat shit crazy. 

"What the hell is she doing at school?" i exploded with stress and the determination to finally get some answers for once.

Jeremy looked tired when he said, "Causing  trouble thats for sure" and then he parked the truck right at the back gates of the car park at school.

Bonnie agreed but gave another terribly true point: "It must have something to do with Elena" and that's when Elena piped up from putting away her journal into her bag and looking at us with mild shock. 

 "She must be worried, right?....And why wasn't she with us at the house, Jeremy?" Elena asked inquisitively. Jeremy look completely conflicted.

Time to be....imaginative.

"She was busy, don't worry, just go to your classes and relax!" i said like i was in cheerleading practice, well i said what Elena would say to a new freshman cheerleader. I would be giving her tough love!

We left the surprisingly chilly car park and went to our respective rooms, with Bonnie guiding Elena to all her classes, because they shared an identical timetable.


I chuckled at Bonnie's face with pure joy after she asked me her question outside the girl's toilet.

"No Bonnie i do not need your help in there, go and get something to eat, i'll meet you in the cafeteria later" i let her know with a gigantic grin on my face and proved to her that i did know where the cafeteria was by telling her the colour of the  cafe's two sided door: bright red.

Pushing the door with the symbol of a girl, i went into the large procelain coloured toliet and saw that there was no one staring in a mirror or washing their hands. I guess i was alone. Going into the toliet and doing my buisness, i flushed and washed my hands. With no other presence with me, i felt it would be the perfect time to look continue looking at my diary and that made me think: Where's my bodyguard at?

At that moment another flush came from one of the stalls and the noise of expensive heels came towards me. From the mirror i saw Katherine. A fresh and glowing Katherine, with her flirty smirk. I smiled back at her, even though she slightly intimidated me. At the end of the day she was family. 

"So you're a vampire" i decided starting with the awkward subjects now, would make the conversation less awkward in the future.

She winked, "Yes, Miss Gilbert, i am.....congrats for the newsflash, i almost forgot that" her sarcasm was weird, like she had aggression towards that i had no clue about.

My smile faltered only for a tiny second but i still continued on finding about Katherine, "How did it happen? Was it before or after our parents accident?" i asked her.

She stopped reapplying red lipstick to her lips and stared me for a moment. Her eyes creeping on mine felt like a wolf looking at a bunny. The wolf looked hungry, then she looked down on me from her taller stance because of her heels and began to chuckle at me. Her chuckle echoed around the ladies toilet and it began to have a tone of danger and sinister power. I didn't like it. 

She moved closer and closer to me, and i moved further back and back until i hit the dirty wall of the toliet room where the door was, she looked at me and said with a smile, "You think we're family. Let me guess, twins? Ha! Your my pathetic doppleganger!" she revealed to me a word didn't know but my brain began to thump with pain, my hands tensed up, "You aren't my twin! Your just a stupid girl who's stuck in a love web! Damon loves you! Darius loves you! and so does Stefan!" all the information being told by her began to press on my brain. I screamed with panic and fell onto my knees and closed my arms around myself. My mind screamed with pain!

From across the wall of the toilet, i heard two voices;

"Rebecca, you have to help with preperations with the dance, come on" said a girl's frilly voice.

"Go away, you silly child! I have far more important issues to focus on...And its not Rebbecca, it's RE-BE-KAH!" said a strong  female's voice. Rebekah.

A hard push of the ladies toliet's door and my blonde bodyguard came to my distress. 

Rebekah's eyes stared at Katherine with anger. Something was about to go down. And i happened to be right in the middle of it...again. 

Even with the pain flowing through my head, i realized that i was stuck in awfully small toilet room with two vampires. You could cut the tension in the room...with a stake.

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