Chatper 6 - Beginning

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A shout, a boy and an orange beam was all i remembered.

Opening my eyes, i saw the boy again, his soft dark brown hair, the grey eyes and the fair skin that looked glorious. He was opening his the hole on his face, inside was a pink slimey long thing and many many white little stones. He was making noises as he did that. Saying:Alana, Alena, it was:

"Elena" he said to me, softly.

Looking behind him i saw a blue colour. The sky, yes, my sky. And white big sheets, CLOUDS! My twigs moved up to the long fur from my head, my twigs, my happiness exploded from my mouth. y laugh, my twigs were my hands. The fur that grew from my head, it was soft, i remember brushing it. My hair.

The boy opened his mouth again, "Come on" he said urgently to me. What does that mean? My hands moved again in the air. In the air, i realized then i was floating in the air.

My mouth opened with fear and made a loud noise. I was pulled into the boy's arms. I was warm now. The sky was brightening up, i was scared. What is that shiny thing? Hm, like a star....THE SUN! The revelations poured into my mind. 

Looking down from the boy's arms i saw an old angry looking man, a scorched circle and other people looking scared and worried.

Why was i floating? Who was this boy?

I said the only thing that came to my mind, "Help me", then water fell from my eyes. My tears :( 

The boy nodded, he closed his eyes and held me tight. My heart warmed to him. I blinked. 

We were gone, we were in a different place. It was a....a religious place. What was this place called again?....................A church.


"How are you feeling now?" said Klaus for the fifth time. He cared. He really did. But i can't let this become a Stefan, Elena, Damon situation, i don't have the heart to see anyone be hurt because of me.

"I'm OK, thanks for fixing me up and your blood. Please, can you not tell Tyler. Lets go see what that red circle was about, OK?" i said to Klaus, hoping he would understand. He nodded, Oh thank god.


Was that all she had to say? I can't have her being ambiguous too long. I'm too old for all this confusion. Especially with the new witches in town. Danger was their first names, literally. And i can't see her in any pain, not after last night. She nearly died, if i hadn't caught her.

Hmm, she did not want me to Tyler, how interesting.


I don't know if Tyler could bear knowing that Klaus gave me his blood, and neither could i because to be honest i wanted more of it. His blood was stronger than anything i'd tasted before. Oh,these orginals were extraordinary.

"So what happened when the red circle began to form?" i asked him with curiosity.

I answered her with dismay, "Flames began to rise around it, we're dealing with witches who's ancestors nearly destroyed me. Their no joke. Bonnie has some unreal competition for head witch, darling."


She looked completely normal then. By normal i meant troubled because normally she had a troubled expression on her face. I felt bad because i must've cause that more than once.

But she caused me worry and sorrow but pulling that stunt.

Who knew a baby vamp could make me feel so alive?


Walking into the forest after leaving the Klaus's mansion, my stomach had a weird feeling. Something bad went down. I could feel pain in the forest. The power that had engulfed into the forest was enormous, i could still feel the imprints of it and i was only a vampire.

Then i could see them. Three figures, being flung back, held onto trees by invisible power. Definitely witch power.

Focusing all my power on my eyes i saw who the figures were. A solid, tough looking Bonnie, a broken looking Stefan and was that possible: a stone cold tired looking Damon. What had happened? And what was happening?

My heart jumped, i looked at Klaus, pleadingly, as i begged him to: " Please Klaus, please help them, their my friends, my family, i love them!" I never thought i'd think this but:

Please god, please, please tell me that Klaus's love is true.

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