Chapter 17 - Battle!

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Hm, so she's back.


I want to be irritated, but that crazy chick saved us, plus i like her new hairstyle, suits her outrageous personality. 

My maker had impressed me. The way she quickly disarmed the concil's plan to skin every vampire alive.

"Elena...i mean, you" i said to Elena who was stood still, stuck in a day dream, hm, she was staring at Bonnie and Jeremy....i was whispered in her ears, "That's him" i gestured towards Jeremy.

She nodded and the men who escorted the teens out returned. Looks like the crap was about to hit the fan. Good thing we had an original on our side, i spotted Klaus and Stefan coming out the opposite trees looking determined to send these assholes back to hell.


Staring at him, he looked back at and me smile with heavenly joy. Another sibling. 

But the sounds of boots crunching on the leafy ground and the sounds of ammo, grenades and guns moving in the air changed the atmosphere completely. The crazy men were going to kill us. Damon pulled me and gestured to the girl who was holding my brother's hand to take us further away from the cemetery. 

Just as my brother and his companion got closer, a gun shot went off.

I turned back and saw my twin.....she was....bleeding. My heart called out to her, even though i didn't know her....i still cared.

But...she was OK, i think.


The vampire in me erupted out....much to Elena's that girl just got weirder every day.

I rushed to the leader of the silly hunters and clasped his throat, my eyes full of blood lust. God i was hungry for some fat American sugary blood right about now

I shouted at the other men, "Come any closer and he dies" just then they grabbed hold of Jeremy and my anger grew. Bonnie yelped with sadness. was plain to see. Thank god, Stefan rushed out to join this childish battle, but behind i saw the man from my nightmares, the one who mascaraed my family and who still frightened me to my core.....Klaus.

He stared at me for a moment and smirked. I dropped the fat but strong leader.

Something i didn't intend to do but made a big enough distraction for Damon to punch Jeremy's captor's face.

And that's when the bullets went off and the hunters got in lines to corner us all.

Jeremy grabbed hold on Bonnie and ran into the trees, including a bewildered Elena who kept looking back at me. That girl needed to get a grip.

As the bullets when off, me, Damon, Stefan and even Klaus moved gracefully joining in the middle to be back to back and facing our human enemies.



Ripping the throat out of one of the men who was about to throw a grenade at Damon, i was hit on the face by a black metal object, but i didn't move an inch, instead i tore out the puny man's tiny heart.

Watching blood splatter and death surrond me, i felt like i was finally in my element. I was the vampire! But the wolf in me called, even now.


Watching two men run towards the direction of Jeremy, Bonnie and Elena, i couldn't bear them getting an inch close to Elena, so i ran and jumped!

Clenching my fists and use each fist on each of the councilmen's head and smashed them together.

They fell like puppets in my command.

The blood splattered on my face and i shivered with the weird tense feeling i got whenever i was near human blood. I took a tiny taste of it...a tiny one. And lord it felt like Heaven! But i knew i couldn't get lost in it, so i grabbed a head stone and flung it at the man who looked at me in horror.


Watching Katherine move, i was flabbergasted, she had the face of Elena but the fighting skills of a bear.....on crack.

She ran on a tree, did a back flip and crushed her boot into a man's skull. I watched for a moment, until my body was flung by a grenade's impact. Landing on a headstone of a girl i remembered wining Miss Mystic Falls in 1820s, oh and her blood tasted like cherries, my anger boiled as i turned round and threw a piece of concrete from....what was her name.....Dallas's headstone at the man who dropped his horrible grenade. Dallas had always told me she once wanted to join the men and fight for the country, but she had something the male gender did have, i guess i fulfilled her wish for now. He he.


As the moon shone at its brightest point, the light falling down from the sphere lit up the blood and bodies four vampires had been the cause of.

Brushing off a piece of dirt off Damon's face, i chuckled.....his entire face was still full of blood. He looked like a boy, even now.

Klaus looked at me like i was the Bulgarian doppelganger he needed all those years ago but instead said, "Come on, we need to find Elena"

I took a deep breath of relief and grudged along with Damon, making sure i wasn't alone. 

Why hadn't Klaus attacked me yet? After how angry he was about me. After all the running i did from the likes of him.

This period was the worse, i didn't know when he would strike against me...this could be last night on Earth for all i knew. Wiping the blood from my forehead, i moved up  faster to find the witch, the boy who could see ghosts and the girl...the girl who looked exactly like me.

Hm, i live such a normal life, don't i?

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