Chatper 8 - Church

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Leaves thumped on the ground. Our footsteps echoing through the woods. All of us. Klaus, Damon, Stefan and even Bonnie who was keeping up using the power she got from nature. I felt....tired. Every continued running through the vast woods of our town, the trees were decreasing as we got closer to the end of the woods. 

Everyone went ahead, faster and faster. I was trying to keep up, trying to channel all my strength, but they did not see me. They were focused, i was tired, i had only just healed. As their figures turned into blurs, even Bonnie's figure, i lost them. I was alone and in pain again. Something was wrong. I had not healed properly. Still trying to jog my way to my friends, i struggled even more until my knee fell to the ground. My head was banging again like last night. I wouldn't give up not now, never. We had to find Elena. 

Just then, someones hand came near my face to help me up. Looking it up, it was Klaus.


As the nature around us began to decrease, i began to slow down, so i quickly asked Damon and Stefan to wait up. They did not.

At that moment i realized Caroline was not here, but so wasn't Klaus. Brushing away these unnecessary thoughts i kept on running. My breath ran out countless times, but i kept on going. That's when i saw the witches.

They were planting some type of bombs. On the church. They were gonna blow up Elena. 

Catching up to the vampires near a group of trees behind the church, i urgently asked them about our plan on how to get back our friend.

"What are we gonna do?", my question was directed to Stefan but Damon answered:

"Kill everyone!" he said so loudly i was afraid the witches may come for us.


Feeling 15, my stomach had a weird feeling. Something was wrong.

"Um, Darius, who am i?" i asked him again, hoping he would give a different awnser.

"I don't know" he said to me with some hesitance, "Your a girl, a doppleganger." he said to me.

I had never heard that word before. "What does that mean?"

"Your a doppelganger of Kath-", Just as he said the beginning of that name, MY HEAD AND HEART BEGAN TO THUMP VIOLENTLY?!

I SCREAMED! AND AGAIN! AND AGAIN! Then it stopped.Darius came up to me, picking me from the aisle where i fell again. His grey eyes made me feel safe.

"Whats happening to me?", i asked him as he sat me down in seats where people would sit for Sundays, funerals or weddings.

"I don't know, this didn't happen when i told you about the ritual. Hmm, did you remember the ritual?" he asked me.

I nodded.

"That must be it, what you don't remember can not be told you, you must remember your self. If i try to tell you, you'll probably die." my face sunk with sadness as he told and so did his, genuinely.

"So i have to stay like this, forever?" I knew the awnser before he told me.

Wow, i felt cloudy 17 already. 


As we reached the rest of our group, the church i had once known as a place for worship and town gatherings, looked literally like death. The winter had ruined the church. From the top, moss and green leaves had grown and spread on the rooftop making it seem abandoned. The windows were covered in stains of brown-greenish colours. The doors needed repainting and the entire place looked as it would collapse, what made it worse the gathering of witches and hunters around the the back and the front entrances. It was hard to believe my strong Elena was in a place that looked broken.

Walking up to my friends, they all looked like hell. Bonnie's hear was covered in leaves, Damon's face didn't look flawless for once and Stefan's eyes were red, not from blood hunger, but from pain and tears.

"Kill everyone, the idea isn't bad, but its not easy" said Bonnie to the stone faced Damon.

Klaus came up to them and said like a true leader, " Bonnie, you distract them, while I will kill the guards at the back, then you two vampires go in and get your girl, after that we can see what they've done to hear, but it won't be easy. Bonnie, be careful, those witches are three times your power range" he explained to them clearly, expect what am i doing?

What about me? i thought and then said.

Klaus turned to me and said, " Your in no shape to go in there, you stay here and wait for us to meet you" he said and softly touched my cheek. Oh, how soft that felt. Then Klaus went closer to me, closer and closer, losing my self in eyes for just a second, his lips just brushed mine as i pushed him away dramatically.

"No, i can't, you  can't stop, just stop" i said with guilt as i had never wanted this, or did i?

His lips felt so good. Even it was for a second. Klaus didn't show an expression as he turned around and went in to the church area with Damon and Stefan. 

My face stunned, Bonnie did not look at me. That hurt so much. Then i thought of Tyler and i knew i truly was in no shape to battle evil right now.

As Bonnie finished drawing energy from the trees, quietly, she left to intervene with witches at the front.

I sat there, with a tummy upset, a heart with a different pain and warm lips on a small log. Where was Elena when you needed her?

Oh yeah, she's captured and your just sitting here worrying about silly little problems instead of saving her. I had had enough. Looking at roof, i thought about the old buildings in town, nearly all had a window at the top. 

Hm, forget Klaus, forget them all, i am going to save my best friend. I was dieing for some girl talk.

Focusing on the roof top, i climbed the tree, we had our unorthodox group meeting, testing each branch before climbing for safety, i went up higher and higher.

Being a vampire, thankfully, i could turn off my fear of heights. 

There! I saw the brownish yellowish, ledge on the roof. Taking two deep breaths, i focused all my power in my heart and jumped! 

As i moved from one space to another, i saw Klaus and the rest having a tough time with the witches and the hunters, or both or something. I wanted to feel bad, but at that moment i had turned off all my emotions for him, and them, i just focused on Elena. Landing on the soggy and dirty roof of the church, i searched around for one of those windows, looking down on the entire church. And right there in the middle. Thank god i payed attention in history. Then i thought of Alaric and my stomach and heart hurt again. Oh, god, i really wasn't helping myself today.

Walking up to the window, i brushed off all the leaves and tiny twigs on the and through the glass i saw something shocking.

Elena was in the arms of someone else. Not Stefan. Not Damon.

They got closer and closer, until there was no space between their lips. I wanted to judge her, like everyone does in human nature, but Elena wasn't the only one making grave mistakes in their love life. But Elena would never do something like this. She was a good person. I was not.

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