Sneak Peak of How To Love Caroline Forbes

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I rushed to Darius as his father awoke from his dormant space on the marble floor. 

"What the hell?" the words forced them out of my mouth.

I thought his father was...dead. Definitely dead. As cold as that sounds, it was what i thought was a definite fact. My mind was stunned. As i got to Darius, with the un-possessed guard behind me following, i watched Darius quickly grab one of his daggers from his boots and stab his father in the head. 

The red eyes faded again.

Darius, however, looked...truly depressed. I felt so bad for him. He had to watch his father die, then he had to kill him...himself.

Oh God. 

I touched his shoulder as he sat on the floor with his swollen nose.

He turned his face towards me and saw his eyes...water. His tears made my heart want to crush itself.

I squeezed his tired body and held him tight. I wanted to take all his sadness away. But i knew i couldn't possibly do that. The guard with the blond hair and blue eyes still stood in our vicinity. Like he was waiting for us to tell him what to do next. Too bad, i had no clue who he was.

After a few moments, Darius reclined from our warm hug.

"Elena, Elena, Elena" he repeated to me, while wiping away his wet eye sockets. I didn't care what he called me. All i cared about was...him.

He took a moment to open his mouth again.

I looked into his beautiful grey eyes and watching his cute brown hair relax on his face.

"My father told me how to get you're memories back!" he told me with a smile, even though his nose looked very sore.


I grabbed Klaus's hands as we walked inside the marble palace.

He looked down at me and winked. Gosh, he loved our new....status?

As us two went towards Jeremy, who held Bonnie his arms, i caught sight of the red stuff dripping from Bonnie's leg. Oh lord! Oh crap!

"Jesus, Klaus...get help please" i looked at him like i was trying to persuade him. But i no longer needed to manipulate Klaus, he moved to Bonnie and examined her leg with Jeremy.

I took a moment to take in my surroundings. The paintings, the antiques and most of all the smells. They were out of my little Mystic Falls world!

I don't think i had ever been to a place like India before.

As that thought rested in my head, i started to feel a weird beeping coming from my jeans pocket. For a tiny second i forgot what was making that beeping, but then i remembered i had brought my phone with me. My annoying jeans made it harder for me to get my phone out. God knows if its a phone call or just a text. As i finally slipped my large phone out, i unlocked it and saw that i had one new message. I automatically thought another one of our friends was in trouble. But i got something else entirely. In the text it said:

Hey Mrs Lockwood,

I'm at you're house and you're not opening the door.

Where are you?


I caught my breath.

Oh my God.

Shit just got really complicated.

AHHH! YEAH SO THATS THE SNEAK PEAK OF THE FIRST CHAPTER OF HOW TO LOVE CAROLINE FORBES! So excited for this guys! Ahhh :) Can't wait to write the sequel. Its gonna be CRAY-ZAY-ZAY-ZAY-ZAY!!!! I really hope you like this sneak peak. I know its not ALOT. But its not nothing ;) 

How To Love Caroline Forbes is the next book and i hope it lives up to the glory that i felt in How To Kill Elena Gilbert.

Thank you Wattpad.

But most of all, Thank you my dear READERS!


Till next time ;) (which will be soon, i promise!)


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