Chapter 24 - Feelings

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After unclasping myself from Rebekah's face, I ranged from shock to disgust all in one moment.

But before I could instinctively go in bitch-slap-mode and get this crazy sexual hoe away from me, my mind euphorically came with an idea that changed my entire direction. A rush of plans came to the foreground of my brain and I knew just what to do.

I smiled.

Stealing her hands, I ran down the stairs and out the house. I made sure to make as much ruckus as I could, therefore every in the open living room would see me and Rebekah together.

Yes, I thought, this would go perfectly my way.

Not exactly how I had imagined to be using Rebekah, but hey...

I guess my experimenting days weren't over, just yet...


After Katherine and Rebekah briskly left the Salvatore home, we all are were ready to leave the start whatever preparations that were needed for the trip and also decide on other issues.

We were all left to tie up the loose ends, like:

What will the gang do when they find Darius's crazy ass father? 

It was sorted that Darius would pretend to be Daddy's Little Angel and him and Bonnie would somehow stay with the coven, until the rest of us got there to help sort out everything to get my memories back and stop Darius's evil dad. Which kinda made me feel sorry for Darius, he was working to bring down his own father. But I was still angry at his father for ruining my entire life. Which made me think of why his father did that in the first place.

So I asked everyone: "Why did Darius's father take away my memories?" and this one sentence stopped everyone's hyper talking and conversing with each other to just stop and stare at me.

Awkward, but necessary, I needed to know. 

"Klaus" said Damon. 

Well that was a great answer, wasn't it?

My facial expression said it all.

"He means, Klaus is the reason why because his hybrids, a person who's both a vampire and werewolf, can only be created using..your blood. My father tried to kill you, I stopped him by changing his spell to a memory drain one at the last moment. I'm sorry. I really am" Darius admitted to me in front of everyone.

I took a deep breath.


A part of me wanted to thank Darius for saving me but I also felt that this predicament I was in was kinda worse than death at the moment. Now i'm super confused all the time. 

So all that came out of my mind was, "OK" and I told Jeremy that I would like it if I we could go back home now.

Looking out of the large living room windows, all I saw was darkness and the crescent moon. I was tired from a day of being at a place where people were learning things I had no brain space to fathom right now and all this was too much to bear as well. Darius, the one who said he loved me is also the one who took my memories. What a knot!

Darius looked at me like I was the only thing that mattered, but even his expression didn't change my mood, so me, Caroline, Bonnie and Jeremy left to go back house. Yes, my house. It was weird even fathoming that common piece of information.

As I left, Damon looked at me like he was in Darius's position. Like he was heartbroken and I felt 100 times worse.

Was my past life as complicated as this?

Probably, I answered myself.


We thought the best time to leave to go to the UK would be the next night. Klaus used his ever so discrete resources and got us the tickets, on...his private jet. How flashy.

Not that I hadn't been on a jet or two in my own time line.

The affection Bonnie and Jeremy expressed was frankly sickening. But what was worse was seeing Darius awkwardly hug Elena as we left the warehouse to get on to the jet. It was definitely hard.

Looks like me and Klaus were the singletons, but he looked awfully resentful to not see his blond cheerleader get out of Jeremy's truck to say good bye. Who would have thought his weakness was Caroline? But I guess none of us could really judge when it came to feelings, I still was falling for her. For Elena. Even with personality. Even with her being my brother's girlfriend and somehow with Darius as well. 

Everything was making complete sense...

After the long goodbyes, we all loaded our items on the jet and sat separately.

We all said nothing to each other and just fell asleep.

6 hours later and we had reached European territory. Hopefully witch boy knew exactly where to take us, I had a serious bone to pick with his coven.

Everything was messed up before and now it as more diabolic than ever.


The black cab came to a halt.

The old driver told the four of us that he had come as far as possible, now all that was left was the woods and fields of the area.

As we left the vehicle, I felt the air and I knew for the first time in what felt like ages, that I was truly home. Kent.

The clean air and immense amount of greenery. Even though I was practically a traitor to my coven, I was still pretty happy to be back. To see my friend Sara and Julius, they were the kindest of our entire group, but also some of the most skilled. Plus, I had to see my Grandmother, the last remaining person that was connected to my mother. My mother died in a risky spell to restore shelters to our area. 

As the cab drove away, Damon inquired, "So witch boy, where's this coven of yours?".

Looking ahead of me, I saw the two corresponding hills.

"You see those hills, we go over the left one and walk left and we'll come to a similar place with another set of hills. We take the right one and over it should be my coven." I tried to explain to the foreigners to the best quality as I could.

From then, Klaus and Damon charged forward leaving me in the company of the interesting Bonnie Bennett.

"So what is you're coven like?" she asked me.

I told her plainly, "They're a coven of hunter witches. Witches trained  to hunt supernatural creatures. So extra dangerous, but for the most part they only fight what they think is evil.". Her face looked perplexed.

"That's ironic as Elena's one of the most selfless and sweetest person i've ever met" she let me know with a stand-offish expression.

I got her completely. My father may had desired to eradicate hybrids but Elena was light. She was good and killing her was way past wrong. It was unholy!

As i spotted the second set of hills, i told the group to go over the right hill and we'd see the coven. I only prayed no one was on patrol duty otherwise this scenario could get messy quicker than expected. And i intended to get back home for Elena. Hm, home. Mystic Falls...home? Kent or Mystic Falls? What's home? Or maybe home is just where Elena is...I loved that thought, even if right now she was un-sure about me.

Walking up right hill, my body felt dark energy immediately and Bonnie felt it too from her confused expression. My eyes felt like they  were in a dream as I went over my hill and saw my coven's camp. I came to a halt just like the black cab that drove us, because I could not walk any further. I honestly could not move.

I just stood still in my spot.

Because all I saw was ash.

And dust.

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