Chapter 7 - Nothing!

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We were still in Mystic Falls, i felt it. The teleporting spell only took us a few miles away from those wretched woods. My father's grey reddish eyes still haunted me. I have never seen him look at me like that before. I've seen disappointment, annoyance, frustration, anger but never That. 

That hatred in his eyes. For me. Just then i realized: my father was gonna kill me.

I had got in his way for that girl. I wanted to explode. 

Watching the girl get up from the aisle and test her body as if she was a newborn, my blood boiled. I did all this because she was innocent. She's better dead anyways! No, no, Darius you don't mean that you indecisive fool! I continued to speak to myself and pace the front area of the church, as the doppelganger walked up to me.

She made me smile, as she wiggled her tongue and using hands pulled the skin on her face, making funny monkey faces. She saw my smile and imitated it almost perfectly. That was when she first spoke for the first time...again.

"Wha-Who am i?" she said with such innocence that it hurt my heart because i had done this to her. How was i to awnser her, i thought heavily.

Easy! She's Elena! The girl with all the heart and all the love. Remembering i had all her memories, i wanted to explain but in that moment i was angry, angry for what her existence had down to mine and my father's view of me.

"Nothing! You mean nothing to me or anyone!" i shouted at her, my voice full of hatred, almost identical to my fathers when he spoke to me. I was too angry but now thinking about it i hated what i had said.

For a moment i thought she would cry but even then with no memory she amazed me again. 

"I may mean nothing to you, but i don't mean NOTHING!" she said with fierce power that belonged to a queen. But in seconds her tears began to water. I had no stone heart so i walked up to her and apologized to her. One word: awkward.

She grabbed my body and held on to me tightly and with tears streaming down her face, she whispered in my ears with extreme sorrow, "Somethings wrong with me, I don't remember anything" she said to me, the last person who wanted to hear something like that. In that moment i felt like my entire body was filled up with guilt. 

Then in moments she wiped her tears and apologized for nothing. She was evolving in minutes, from a child to a teen. Would she remember every thing? 


My heart was racing. But i had to stay strong. Not for me. I never thought i would say this, but i had to stay strong for: Damon and Stefan. Yes, i had never seen both of them so quiet and empty. 

Elena was gone. And now these witches and hunters, they were stronger than anything i had ever seen from my life in Mystic Falls. They could probably take out the entire Original's clan in a week. But then why hadn't they killed us yet?

Thats when i saw another unusual thing. Klaus, and was he smiling at me? This day just got a whole lot....hmm easier. We had the big bad wolf on our side, i thought as Caroline came from behind him. 

They jumped off the tree branch in unison and cut two of the guards that had just arrived. One by one they slowly ripped off the tree branches that had kept us stuck to the tree. Mine was the easiest to break off because as the guards were turned around i was calling upon nature to slowly SHOVE off me, however the magic used to keep us on the trees was unbelievably strong. 

Right now, the Originals seemed like training wheels compared to the power of these witch hunters, no, hunter witches. Whatever they were, we would find a way to stop them and save Elena. I know she wouldn't want us giving up ever. 

I told Caroline what i knew, "They've gone to the Church, i heard them, they said that's where Elena is....They said they want her dead.", my heart sunk with unhappiness.

"Don't worry. Those bastards will be dead, if its the last thing i do, Bonnie" said Klaus weirdly, as i know he needs Elena for his hybrids but i've never heard his sound so passionate about her until today. Something's changed. 

Caroline smiled slowly.


As the boyish man, or man boy explained to me what had happened. My heart sunk. He took my memories and now i know nothing, but he knows everything.

He told me that there's only one person who can restore my memories. His father, who wants me dead.

For a minute he explained to me death. Then i cried....a lot. Death wasn't nice at all. Hopefully death wouldn't come to either of us because even though the boy told me what had happened, he said he didn't mean it and he was very nice to as well. 

"What age are you" he asked me curiously, so i honestly told him, "I feel 13" and his jaw opened wider than a tree's bush in Virginia. Hm, Virginia, what is that?

"What's your name?" i asked the boy.

"Darius" he said to me awkwardly.

"Nice name, cutie" i flirted with him as i got weird feelings i don't think i have ever felt before.

He chuckled and walked away, with wide eyes and a scared expression


Was she flirting with me?

And was i actually enjoying this?

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