Chapter 11 - HeartBurn

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Hm, so Elena's....gone and my father hates my guts but weirdly still wants me around. I don't know what to think anymore, i told myself as i stared out the circular plane window. The clouds, God they were free. Unlike me, who just sits here unhappily. Oh, that rhymed. That tiny fact added a hint of happiness to the depressing journey back to London on our....their private plane. I couldn't bare to be associated with them anymore but i had nothing else. I had no defiance left in me.

After a quick nap, i woke up startling the guards around me , in my dream or nightmare, i saw her. I saw her and my father. I was frozen and he was killing her, a snap of her neck and i woke up, screaming her name. 

"Elena!" i shouted and they all looked me like i was a possessed child. Nearly all their hands moved to places on their bodies revealing to me quickly where all their weapons were hidden. Amateurs. But i didn't care, i wasn't trying to escape this anymore, much to my warrior mind's dismay.

The dream was still on my mind. It felt so real, and that secretly gave me delight, foolish delight, as i knew Elena was dead as stone. But the dream felt like it was going to happen. Like it had not yet occurred. Was she dead?  I don't know ,but no i told myself, no doubts, you're only hurting yourself idiot. Stop thinking she's alive, she's gone, she has to be gone right?

1 hour later

My father told me we'd stay at a hotel before leaving to Kent, where our camp resided. In the surprisingly luxurious room, i wondered why my father decided to stay here, it was unlike a hunter witch to splurge on much, we wern't exactly rich witches. Hm, i decided to go explore, i didn't know why i was doing anything anymore.

The hole in my soul that was there well before Elena, was more evident than it had ever been before, i was lost. Walking to the guards on the door, i asked them if i was allowed to explore. They laughed in my face. I thought hard before asking another question.

"Is there a pharmacy near by?"

"Um, i fink there is", the tall guard said in a Cockney accent.

"Well i need to get something" i said.


"Well", i moved closer to him and whispered,



I blushed sheepishly,"I got something"


I pointed in the southern direction of my body. He looked flabbergasted but thankfully said to me, "Um, whatever, i'll make sure you don't run somewhere, your for some reason important to the boss" said the tall, large man. Hm, seems as if father had not told them i was his son. His actions just get more suspicious every day.

Opening the door and taking me through the glamourous corridors of the perhaps 4 star hotel, we went down in the elevator, which was unexpected a lovely cream colour. Pressing a ground floor button, we went down about 10 floors.

As the door opened, i saw the gigantic hotel for the first time. On the plane i had fell asleep again, i was apparently held my two of the guards and taken up first. Thank god i was sleeping then.

Walking out of the elevator, with the guard behind me with his eyes on me the entire time, i looked up and saw escalators going up to many floors, and shops, so many shops, the place looked more like a shopping mall than a hotel, but looks like they had combined. Wow, my father really was spending his money. They had to have manipulated someone, but no, his name would not have been on the card for the doors.

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