Chapter 15 - Bubble

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Still feeling strange and unsafe, the man/boy Damon took my hand and told me to be very quiet as we got closer to the neon lights and Easter bunnies plus scared drunk teens and many men with guns and crossbows. 

I felt the tension before being in its vicinity. This town was not normal. At all. 

"Come on, walk slowly" this was a very silly statement from Damon when we was practically be dragging me behind the trees. Watching Klaus and Stefan go the opposite way round the cemetery, i could literally feel Stefan's extremely worried eyes staring at my back. Hopefully, he didn't get too distracted when we needed everyone's strength to save my brother.

"Where's Germy?"i whispered to Damon, realizing my mistake, "I meant Jeremy" i said watching  Damon's immensly amused face. God, it may be funny to him but it wasn't to me, i couldn't even say my own flesh and blood's name properly.

"Its not funny", i told his face as i got his arm and threw it off my hand like a piece of dirt on a beautiful masterpiece. I hardly know this man and he takes laughter in my confusion. Hell no he wasn't going to be taking my hand then.

Walking further but still slow enough to not make noise on the surprisingly leafy ground, i felt the breeze sneak on my skin past my green loose hoodie. Coughing silently as i could i felt leather lay over me. Looking up, i saw Damon now coat-less.

"Thanks" i said as i let myself got more comfortable in the surprisingly stylish leather jacket.

Walking further and further away from the entrance, all i truly wanted was to  go back to bed, any bed and just sleep this nightmare away. This constant danger of not knowing who to trust. And not knowing what's what.

"Stop" Damon told me just before we reached the first set of neon lights. Watching him look closer at the mass of people and what looked like middle aged hunter dudes, he looked like he was hearing something i couldn't even attempt to. Like his hearing was on a completely different frequency than mine, and after all the things i've already seen i didn't not believe that possibility. And that just made me think of Darius. Does he think i'm dead? Because of the explosion? Hm, that hurt my heart. God, i missed him. I didn't truly know him but he was the first person i saw in this life and  the first kiss too. Soft lips too...mhmm, i thought as i reminisced over the British boy. 

Hm, i would've loved some girl talk immediately...but my new/old best friend was god knows where. The blond one. Hopefully i don't forget her now.


Hearing a new, lets say, leader of the council's hunters, i wondered what Momma Lockwood was playing at. She could've stopped this silly mess. Hm, the council was pushing their luck but i gave them props for always trying to defeat a predator that would always win. Yeah, their still stupid though. 

After hearing the silly neanderthal hunters demand the innocent teenagers to follow their orders, i looked at Elena. The new Elena..she wasn't that different, i guess. A bit more fiery than usual, but i liked it. That just made me remember the dilemma of bringing her memories back. Now how the hell would we fix that? 

Hm, what would Saint Stefan say right now? "One step at a time, P.S ALWAYS PROTECT ELENA" probably. He was right though, even about the latter.

"Their trying to see which of these little ravers is like me, Stefan and Klaus. Not normal" i told the girl  wearing my leather jacket remembering i can't tell her something like WE'RE VAMPIRES because it might give her a killer migraine. Emphasis on the "killer".

She replied with a unsure, "OK, how do we get my brother though?". Now that surprised me, looks like Elena  was only looking  for what mattered to her.

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