Chapter 30 - Red Room Roulette

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I was watching her eyes explode with determination. She was focused. So focused. It was crazy how she did not seem to stop running ahead of me. She was going to reach my father before i did. I could not allow that. But why was she so determined to get to my father? Her hair was shorter like she had cut it recently. What had happened to my  Elena?

And why did she want to get to my father?


I was going to kill him.

Yvello Livella. He had ruined everything.

As i charged up the marble stairs, i swiped away the blood that had splattered on my leather coat. 

I watched as the blood that i had swiped away fell onto the white stairs. They had been stained now, and nothing could change their tone. My heart was beating like a robot. It could not stop. I guess a part of me could not get the tapping of Darius's boots behind me out of my head. But right now i only cared about one thing:

The death of Yvello Livella to be served by me!


Fighting off more crazy hunters, the area outside the marble palace i was in had been mostly cleared off. There was only one sniper left on the roof thanks to Bonnie. And now the Yvello's army was running out of men.

A lot of blood had been drawn tonight. 

But it was not over.

I watched as Klaus .who was right out side the large doors of the marble palace, be ambushed by an extra unit of the hunters with wood-loaded guns.

I thought he'd be able to handle himself.

He was an Original.

A hybrid.

He could survive anything, right?

So i went and helped Jeremy out with his bunch of psychotic hunter witches. I felt a powerful hold on my neck, it must've been one of the hunter i crawled on the  grass, i felt the hold release on me. Jeremy grabbed my hand to pull me up. The dead body of a woman hunter witch was lying beside us.

"That was a close one" Jeremy firmly sad to me.

I smiled at him, "Thanks" and Jeremy went forward past the fountain to help Bonnie out.

I took a short break and searched the battlegrounds for Klaus.

I could not see him anymore.

My heart pounded in my chest...unusually.

Why was i feeling so worried for him?

An inner voice in me said: maybe because you liked kissing him.

I shunted down that voice immediately.

Moving up the battle, i still couldn't see Klaus. My mind was boggled and worried.

Then i saw them:

A large unit of hunter witches joining together on one assailant. It must be Klaus. I began to jogg up to see what was occurring...oh my God. They were all on top of Klaus. I began to scream at them.

"Get off him! Get off!" i ordered them.

The blood lust entered me.

I started to grab at each black, red dressed hunter and suck their blood swiftly and throw them away like cans of blood. I had to find Klaus in their mess of people.

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