Chapter 2 - Bambi Hater

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My moans echoed through the forest. 

"Ahhhh......" i delivered my moan to the animals in the woods as my blood spilled.

Just then i saw a deer, which looked surprisingly like a Disney-ier, cuter version of what i usually saw in these dark trees. It was small, but muscular.

It came closer and closer. I was the prey. It smelt my blood and my...meat.

My hatred for the wide-eyed cute creature shockingly grew every inch it got closer too me.

Was this how i would die? Bambi's blood lust. I can just hear Damon's laughter at my pointless funeral. On my tombstone:

Caroline Forbes, Daughter, Friend and Ironically Bambi Lover.

Yeah, i loved Bambi......when i was 7. My Dad had bought me the movie, i put it on and cried loudly through the night, my Dad he held me tightly the entire night. Even now, as the Bambi sniffed my blood, tears rushed to my eyes, not because of my possible death but because of my Dad. Oh, how i missed him, i hardly saw him enough and my Mom had just found him a big waste of her time.

But my relationship with Tyler it's forever deep in my heart. But recently i've been cornered by the all nasty Kl-

"Hello...darling,you seem to be in a tricky tricky situation" Klaus spoke in his cocky Bristih accent.

Was it bad that this one sentence of his made me the happiest girl vampire in the entire world?

Oh Yes.


"So who's the new kid?" said Bonnie interrupting the embrace i was engulfed in with Stefan.

Just catching a glimpse of the figure Bonnie was talking about, my heartbeat ran a little harder than usual, the dark hoodie walked in to a classroom before i could see his face. That was weird

"No clue", i replied too roughly, " Wanna get lunch guys?"


Rushing into the dull looking door, i stumbled onto a teacher writing on the board.

"Excuse me" said the middle-aged woman, with grey eyes and dirty blond hair, "What is your name, young man? What do you think you are doing here?"she asked me in her best strict teacher voice, which i could tell she didn't truly obtain. I knew authority when i saw it. My father, was a perfect example.

I chanted quietly, "muerte, muerte, muerte", this called upon the epic power of death to control my recent victim.

Rising my hand, just as she moved closer to me, "What are you whis-"


The woman was flung across, hitting the white board. This should have her unconscious for a bit.

Grabbing her head, my fingers touched her forehead.

Hm, what can i do to get some information?

Memory spell: X

Memory drain: X

Possession spell: PERFECT!


It took Klaus, three hours and forty minutes to get out every single shard of wood in body and that was the exact time, even with his original vampire/hybrid speed. It could've been 30 minutes at best, but it hurt me too much, so he was more gentle so i would not feel a single thing.

His face was still close to mine as he held me in his arms.

My super healing was slow because of the amount of blood i had lost.

"Well, young lady, looks like we must get some blood in you" he said and continued with a fake comedy menacing grin, " You want to live, correct?"

"Thank you" i said and kept quiet. Klaus actually looked disappointed that i didn't follow suit and joked with him. I didn't because Tyler would never like this. 

"Who did this to you, how?" he asked with a more serious tone.

"That's two questions", i lightly smiled at him as we passed the half of the three parts of the woods. He was deliberately going slow. "I don't know, there was just that red flashy thing and BOOM! Oh and Klaus...MOVE YOUR BUTT!!"


"Hi Miss Hunter, how are you? You" i said to my science teacher, because she rushed into the cafeteria walking like a girl who was wearing heels for the very first time.

"Oh, Elena, don't you worry, i wanted to speak to you about your.....your..your maths grades!" Miss Hunter said to me in a quick haste. Maths?!?

That made no sense.

"Um, miss, you teach me science" i said, giving Bonnie a sly freaked out look. Stefan was getting a drink to look like he ate because usually in lunch he bought absolutely nothing from the cafeteria. The teachers had gotten worried.

"Well, see, your...graphs in science aren't up to the standard i think you can be at, come with me to the labs immediately please" she said looking triumphant like she just figured out a crossword that had irritated her for hours.

"Um, whatever you say miss, but i'm just gonna finish my pasta, OK?"i said to her, with the firmness as i knew she was a nice, carefree teacher and wouldn't stop me from eating, right?

"No, Now!" Her voice echoed with a strange intensity and power that made my stomach churn. It sounded almost like a man.


She was beautiful, but she would be dead , even if it was the last thing i did. 


"boom, you say...looks like hunters are going 21st century", i said with the teenage desire to make Caroline laugh again. Her laugh was glorious. I decided to speed up and take her up to my freshly built mansion. "I think you and your little Scooby Doo gang better brace yourself, these hunters are upgrading", i finished my little kind warning.

"Hmm, your right, but remember when your entire family came to town, i thought originals were all powerful, hmm, i think their overrated, if you ask me, our little gang kicked your asses!" Caroline said in her cute american accent that to anyone else would be generic but to me i heard depth. My powerful hearing heard pain, but also an enormous amount of human spirit that normally would not exist. Caroline is different.

"I love you" I blurted out to her, as i got more lost in her beauty and her soul. I saw inside Caroline a soul that was stronger and more beautiful than the soul of 2 originals combined. I was a Original hybrid in love with a beautiful vampire.

Before i could even blink Caroline pushed me and jumped too high for me to even imagine where she went. I'm hundreds of years old but i do have a heart and boy did it feel like crap today.

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