Chapter 9 - Dilemma

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As my lips were converged with Darius's, i lost every emotion of sadness and being lost. I was tired and to finally let go, this was perfect. But for just a second, the kiss felt wrong, and in that moment i saw a boy in my mind with half of his face with green eyes and a sculpted face and the other half with blue eyes like sharp knives and flawless fair skin. They both melted into one, proof of something else, but then they melted again until they became Darius's face. Then i just enjoyed the magnificent kiss, forgetting i had seen that image.

Unfortunately, Darius released me from the hold of his lips, and i returned me to my senses. His soft but passionate affection had left me and turned my face bright red, even with my ivory complexion.

"I'm sorry, i've just complicated everything for you. Just leave me" i said with the honest selfless of someone else, someone that was me and with that i realized i was finally my true age. 18. But i was still no one. And i don't think i was the selfless person anymore either, so i told Darius what i truly wanted, "You know what, stop!  i can do what i please.....and tonight i want this!", i stated with my eyes full of lust and ignorance.

I kissed  him even though his eyes were bulging out of his head.

Just then i felt something vibrate. My fresh mind began to process what that was. Hm:

A...vibrating dildo, no no no, What vibrates? 

A cell phone! Eureka! I thought, as he took his cellular device out and my mind forgot all about dildos Yes, that was it! 

As well these new ideas, i also had the image of the boy with two sides to his face locked away in my heart that gave me chills and even more confusion and confliction towards my actions. Who was he? Why was he formed of two things? Was he even real? And my final thought was: Am i going crazy?

However, to be honest, my giddy longing for Darius made me stop caring at that moment.

Watching Darius look at the screen on his phone, i was intrigued as i saw his expression of pure surprise and sureness to be automatically deflated. As if he saw something he hated with all his heart. I thought he'd let the generic ring tone continue forever, because of his dislike of the caller, but never the less he grumpily pressed a button and answered the call. 


My heart still pounding from attacking the two guards at the front area, i was begging the woods, my witch ancestors and the entire population of witches to aid me now, because i heard the sinister, cold voice of the witch that had single handed-ly kept us from saving Elena. Calling upon the power of air, i camouflaged my self on the wall of the church. As my appearance slowly began to morph into the paint on the church wall, i heard footsteps on the leaves, meaning they were coming closer. The strongest witch i knew was coming closer. I thought i'd be dead as my foot slowly took all its time to morph into the paint, i wanted to scream as i saw the dark middle aged man with dark eyes come to the entrance of the church gates. His mouth was wide open, with shock but mostly anger. 

I was begging it wasn't because he could see me, but because of the unconcious guards on the ground. 

Hoping the old man wouldn't come closer, i grinned with delight as he took out an object out of his pockect. I hated my bad eyes so much in that moment. Thankfully channelling more witch power, yes even i was surprised i had some left after all the power i had used today, i enhanced the power of my human sight. Looking closer i could see our new enemy holding his cellphone, now, who was he calling?


"Father", i said to the silence i was receiving as i accepted the call, "I'm sorry" i tried again to start this conversation, still all there was was silence. That's what i hated even more than his red eyes and shouting and abuse, it was his silence. The bomb before was going to explode. His silence scared me to death. Made me shiver to boots, until i remembered Elena's parents.

They lover her and supported her. Made her truly believe in her dreams and never ever stopped her from chasing her happiness, they taught her what was right and hardly ever scolded her. They loved her. My father did not. He did not,even  for a second, match up to Elena's parents. Feeling all the warm and wonderful feelings Elena had been given by her parents, i felt the one that helped me the most in that moment: the strength that her parents constantly instilled in her. That's when i knew i couldn't bear my father anymore, i was a hunter witch, not a child, not....a PUSSY! 

I screamed this internally but externally i bluntly said to my father on the phone, "I'm sorry you never felt any love from anyone because that must be why your such a cold...and (this is where i slightly realized what i was saying) horrible father and person", in that one sentence, i let out all i felt for my entire existance about my father but i wasn't done.

" So before you shout, don't waste your evil breath, i can do what i want and for the first time in my life, today i did the right thing!", looking up to skylight, i saw the moon shine in the gigantic, chilly church and i saw Elena, the most wonderful being, who could make me feel again, and again looking up i saw a girl, with blond hair and striking big eyes. She looked angry but mainly concerned. But then i saw her sharp fangs. Crap! I had to protect Elena. Even though i could swear the vampire on the roof looked awfully familiar, which is ludicrous as my father slaughtered any unholy creature that came to our camp and on previous adventures of mine, i had never seen that face before. 

Finally the silence was broken, "Your delusional, my son, that girl is a living breathing weapon, i'm giving you one chance or else-", pressing the red phone call button on my phone, i rapidly put it away and went towards Elena who looked extremely tired as she was sat on the church row seats. Sitting beside, i quickly glanced up, the vampire was standing now, what did she want? God, i'm stupid. She wants Elena, probably for her master: Klaus.

Hoping she hadn't seen us, i properly looked at Elena. She was falling asleep. Oh no! Still awkward with all that had happened between me and her i slowly put my hands around her shoulders, just before she said word in her sleep, "Ste....mon". Did she just say "Stemon"? For a second i froze. Does she still think of those two vampires she loved? No, this was not the time for that, i told myself. Slowly shaking Elena to awake, i felt my phone vibrate again. 

With Elena being awake checked off my mental check list, i quickly got my phone out again and anoyingly answered to see was calling me at a time where it felt as if everyone was trying to kill me and take away someone i had dramatically become so attached to.

"This is not a joke. You have one choice, come out with the doppelganger or this will be our last conversation, my oh so selfless son" my dad told me, bringing my body to an almighty stop. I knew what they were gonna do. Blow Elena up. But i did not care anymore. She was it for me.

"My mother was right, no one can ever love you"

"You BAS-" what a surprise it was for me to see my father for once control his outburst but he still continued his speech, ".......I see,you've made a foolish choice, but its not my life on the line. You mean nothing. To me and to my family. Goodbye. Have fun in hell" he said to me, the last things i'd ever hear from him. He knew that as well.

He was still my dad, and so in that moment i wanted to rip my eyes out before they began to drip water. I needed her. But she already knew that, Elena took me in her arms.

"I'm sorry, all my fault" whether she agreed with that or not, i didn't know for sure, because she had already took my mouth and put her's on mine. That's when the ticking began, but i did not care, neither did she.

My heart erupting with warmth in her kiss, i wanted to stay like this forever. As the ticking must've have started from 20. I felt the 10th tick.

As each tick went by, i wanted to hold Elena so tight that nothing could harm her. 

Bang! I felt something hit my head and in a second, everything was blank.

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