Chapter 4 - Elena's Finale Part 1

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  • Dedicated to vampire_diaries_love For your kindness


I had no more tears. From the deaths of my mother, father and aunt, plus my history teacher. You'd think if you had no tears,you'd feel nothing. But i did. 

As my body convulsed, twisted and literally spasmed out, my heart shocked in my body. I was floating in the air, with him. The hunter or witch or something, he was doing his incantation. I would be dead soon. I was never selfish, so i knew i wasn't crying these shocking fresh tears for myself. I was crying for:

Stefan- he made me love again, even if my love isn't just entirely for him.

Caroline- she showed me i could still smile,even with all the pain, even though she's fighting all the battles.

Bonnie- who saves me again and again, yet never shows she's tired, she still keeps on the fight for our town and my safety.

Matt- he's still there,even after all the pain i put him through everyday, he could be normal, yet he chooses to help me.

Tyler- even through all his changes, he's turned into a person who sacrifices himself for us.

Damon- he loves me, he loves me so much that he'd give up his own heart for mine, he still loves me even though i must hurt him everyday.

The hunter's hand came close to me, i felt mentally drained and physically sick that this horrible person was ripping me away from everyone i once loved. Then i saw in his eyes something i never thought i could ever see: pain. He was in pain.

1 hour before


Doing a quick undoing of my possession spell and a memory drain on the woman i possesd, i came closer to Elena. Her face was startled by my quick transformation. I scared her. Oh no.

"Its ok i won't hurt you, doppleganger", i said to her softly, and mentally i beamed through my mind, the spell that sent someone to sleep. As Elena tried to shove her body further away from me, she hit the classroom. She squealed, i touched her head and she out like a light (like i had killed her) . Was it bad, that i felt bad for her?

Yes! said the inner father in my mind. But a secret part of my conscious said, no, your allowed to feel something you know. 

Forget it, i thought. As i picked up Elena, i tied her up from magic rope, yes a little kiddie trick is to use magic to get rope. Using the tightest knots that my father had once taught me, i picked up my....hostage, captive....victim. Hm, that felt ok, i guess. Trying to keep my emotions locked up deep deep, very deep inside, i saw the teacher slowly wake up.

"Wha-", i kicked her in her head before she could finished the empty question. I didn't think of it again, and i wouldn't. I am Darius. A young elder.

A hunter witch. I was the deadlier. I was the deadliest. A predator. Just as strong as a vampire. 

But was i able to switch off my emotions?


As the moon got brighter, i stared at it longer. And longer and longer and longer. Until my view was nothing but white. Just me and the moon. 

"Hello darling" said the moon in Klaus's voice, it scared me. Then the moon exploded!


The moon was red. I was hungry, hungry, oh

Just then i had lost my balance and my mind.


Running with all my hybrid might, i saw the yellow haired angel fall from the sky. Even then, the moonlight made her look....SPECTACULAR.

Caroline was the only thing on my mind, in my soul at that moment of time.

Just underneath her landing point, i caught her. The entire atmosphere went into slow motion in that moment. I saw every single atom that was Caroline and every single detail of her.

Just then i felt it, her warmth, her almost human warmth was in my arms...again. I smiled and took a deep breath.

"Look at you Klausy, your a hero, well it must be opposite day" i said to myself, trying to radiate Rebeckah's sarcasm when she was teen, oh wait, yesterday. I laughed, then i realized Caroline's state.

I promised i wouldn't do this again. In our silly vampire society, this was a big deal.

I quickly cut one of my wrists using my teeth, and touched Caroline's soft lips. That hybrid of mine was a immensely lucky boy. But things were changing, i felt it in the air. Opening her lips, delicately, i left my blood to pour in to her starving mouth.

Wierdly, that felt good, with the first ever doppleganger, i felt aboslutely nothing.

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