Chapter 1: Milkshake.

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Allison's POV.

Grabbing my chemistry notebook from my nightstand, I spot a little boy in the backyard next door, I shake my head and sigh knowing that yet another family has moved into that old house again.

People always move in to the house next door, it belonged to an old lady called Ms Gracie but she passed away a year back and the house was passed on to her only daughter, no one knows who she is though, all we know is that she keeps renting the house to people but the house is practically old, rusty and looks kinda haunted so they end up moving out in less than a month.

Weird? More like entertaining, I love seeing different set of families moving in and moving out.

"Allison!" My Mom shouts from downstairs, dragging me out of my daydream.

God, I hate Mondays.

"Be right there!" I respond, grabbing my backpack and phone from my bed and rushing out of my room.

When I reach the bottom of the stairs, I spot my mom's curly blonde hair in the kitchen, she's standing by the kitchen sink and looking out the window.

"Morning, mother." I greet her as I take a seat on the kitchen table, dropping my backpack on the floor.

"About time, we have new neighbors if you haven't noticed." she says, looking out the kitchen window like the serial killer next door.

"I give them a month." I say to her, grabbing an apple and examining it.

"C'mon, Allison, I have a good feeling about these ones, I'm sure they're not gonna move out." she turns to look at me and leans her back against the sink.

"Wanna bet?" I ask, plastering a devilish smirk.

"No, you know I never win bets." she shakes her head and I chuckle softly.

"Yeah, I know." I say, taking a bite off the apple.

It's been three months since Dad left us for a family we didn't even know he had, my mom was so heartbroken, her world just stopped, she started drinking, stopped going for work and started smoking cigarettes at night in our backyard, but I guess I can say that therapy is working.

"I'm gonna go before the bus leaves me, I don't have to walk because I had to talk about the 'new neighbors' with my mother, my ego would not handle it." I air quote new neighbors, standing up and grabbing my backpack from the floor.

"But what about your breakfast?" She gestures to the burnt toast on the small plate, I scowl my face in distaste.

Mom is a horrible cook, Dad used to make breakfast every morning.

"I'll get something at school." I force a smile so she doesn't notice how fake I'm being. "Bye, see you later." I literally run out before she gets the chance to respond.

The bus stops in front of me and I hop in, sitting at the far back of it and mentally blocking the people around me by looking out the window and enjoying the ride through the quiet neighborhood.

About thirty minutes pass and we finally arrive at school, I quickly get off the bus, straight to the cafeteria for a milkshake since I didn't have my breakfast this morning, it takes a whole century for the lunch lady to sell it to me cause it's 'not yet lunch.'

I keep on bugging her until she finally gives in and sells it to me, I send her an appreciating smile as she hands me my shake, I hand her a bill and tell her to keep the change even though there is no change.

Walking out of the cafeteria, I suck on the straw, letting the cold strawberry liquid flow down my throat, I moan at the familiar taste but I'm interrupted by the bell for first period.

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