Chapter 33: True love stories never have endings.

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Allison's POV.

Richard Bach once said that true love stories never have endings.

I believed you Richard, I still do cause I don't think it's true love, infact, I think it's one sided love because he didn't say it back.

Laying flat on my bed and staring at the ceiling fan, I do what I do best, I drown myself in thoughts.

Why did I have to tell him I loved him and why didn't he say it back?

People say that love is the most beautiful feeling a person can ever experience, that love is just something unexplainable. I agree on the 'unexplainable' part but I don't know how I feel about it being the most beautiful, I mean yeah, it's fine to be in love but seriously, its okay for Hollywood to exaggerate about love but not in real life. not all relationships are filled with sunshine and rainbows and not all love stories have a happy ending.

So I have to except the possibility that he doesn't love me back and that he's leaving town.

Saying that I'm not sad about it would be a lie, so I except it for what it is and I tell myself that it's time to forget about him and focus on my boyfriend.

Who am I kidding?

I groan frustratedly, getting up from my bed and making my way downstairs, I hear two voices coming from the kitchen so I walk to the kitchen. I stand by the entrance, looking at my mom and Nick's mom talking about something on the kitchen table, they both notice my presence and they turn to look at me.

Nick's mom looks like she's been crying due to the fact that her eyes are puffy and red.

"Are you okay, Mrs Adams?" I ask, nervously. She smiles at me for some reason.

"You know, when I got pregnant with Nick, I wanted a baby girl but I had a boy and I forgot I wanted a girl the moment I laid eyes on him, he was so small and he was crying so loud" she laughs at the last part, just picturing the whole thing makes me smile. "But.." she continues, "I totally remembered I wanted a girl when he became a teenager" she adds and we all laugh. "And now he's leaving and I feel like I can't live without him around" she says, the room turns silent.

"So he is really leaving" I say more to myself. I knew he was leaving for real but I didn't want to say it out loud.

"He is" she nods, catching a tear rolling down her cheek.

"When?" I ask, uncontactably and they exchange a glance.

"He didn't tell you?" My mom asks.

"Tell me what?" I ask with an awkward laugh.

"He flies out tonight" Says his mom, my heart drops in my stomach.

"I didn't know that" my tone comes out low as I look down at the wooden floor.

Such an asshole.

"Yeah, he's packing his stuff as we speak" She adds.

Now I'm just angry, I know I freaked him out with the 'I love you' thing but was he really planning on leaving without saying goodbye?

"I'll be right back" I say to them before turning around and rushing out of the house, I trudge to Nick's house at a fast pace, fueling my anger each second.

His car is in the driveway so I know he's home, just when I'm about to knock on the door it flies wide open, revealing Adam.

He eyes me suspiciously while holding the doorknob.

"Did you just sense me coming?" I point at him.

He narrows his eyes at me, "What? No, I was on my way out" he says and walks right passed me.

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