Chapter 22: knock on my window.

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I keep turning, tossing, punching my pillow, uncovering my body just to cover it again. For the first time in my whole boring life, I can't sleep because I can't stop thinking about what happened tonight. Nick and Carl are going to drive me crazy with all this stuff going on.

I look up at the ceiling in my dim room, it's a big bunch of nothingness. It's just there in existence but why does it exist?

What am I saying? The ceiling exists because well it's a ceiling, no questions asked.

I can go downstairs and watch novellas with my mom but they are way too cliché for my personality to handle.

I switch on my lamp on the night stand, sitting up and looking around my room for something that might keep me busy, my eyes land on my bookshelf, I've read all the books that I own and I don't think reading will make me forget about tonight's events. I can try learning those push ups or I can try something else like squats.

I ain't crazy.

Feeling like my SpongeBob pajamas are becoming hot and heavy on me, I decide to change into the silky shorts that Sofia gave me, I put on a white tank top and I feel better and lighter.

I wish Amanda and I were still talking, I would be texting her about what happened tonight and she would be telling me to pick the hot one. They are both hot in my eyes, it's just that Nick is the much anticipated one.

A light knock on my window drags me out of my thoughts, my heart picks up it's pace thinking of who or what it might be, which one of the two would use a window between a thief and a murderer?

Probably both.

I rush to get a baseball bat from my closet, my Dad gave it to me for these exact situations.

The person knocks again and I stand close by the window with the bat held over my shoulder, I peek through the curtains, I see Nick's head looking around his surrounding, trying not to be noticed by our other neighbors.

Good Lord, what does he want at this hour.

I drop the bat on my side and open the window, he lets himself inside, stumbling in his steps, he kicks off his shoes and plops on my bed.

Is he lost?

"Wrong house, creep." I close my window.

"Why would I use the fucking window if this were my house?" He asks in a somehow drunk tone with his eyes closed.

Good point.

"Why are you here, Nick?" I walk over to pull his hand, trying to help him sit up but he's way too heavy.

He pulls my hand instead and I fall on top of him, I quickly get off of him and he giggles like a baby.

He sits up by himself and looks at my baseball bat which is now on the floor.

"Damn, stalker, were you about to hit me with that thing?" He points at it.

"It's not a thing, it's called a baseball bat and yes, I thought you were a murderer or a wizard." I put the bat back in the closet.

"I wish I was a wizard, going around with a magic wand must be fun." He pouts, I laugh at him.

"That is total witchcraft, dude."

"Where's the dress?" He asks out of nowhere, flying his hands in the air.

"Uh, bed time came around and I took it off." I shrug dismissingly.

"Fuck bedtime, do you mind putting it back on for me real quick." he jokes. Or I think he jokes.

I sigh and roll my eyes.

"Do you even hear yourself?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm not all that drunk." He shakes his head. He is so all that drunk.

"Why are you in my room? My Mom is still awake downstairs." I point to my door.

"I know and it's not like you're gonna do anything naughty." He lays flat on my bed again.

"Right." I mutter.

I'm a good girl, gotta remember that.

He runs his hands on his face and groans.

"My Mom kicked me out because I'm drunk." He answers my previous question. "And I can't drive to Jason's house because I had an accident and I crashed my car." He adds.

Sweet baby Jesus.

I widen my eyes at him, "Oh my God, are you okay?" I rush to sit down next to him, holding his face in my hands and checking for any injuries.

There are none.

He looks at my face with that amused stare that shifts from part to part, "I'm just fucking with you." He says and I almost slap his perfect face. "Good to know you care though." He whispers and his eyes drop to my lips, I stand up immediately but his gaze stands with me.

"I don't.... Care." I stutter, shaking my head and crossing my arms over my chest.

"You don't?" He sits up and wraps his hands around my waist, trapping me.

I take a sharp intake of breath.

"Nick." I try to push him away but my voice and bones are already weak, his hand cups the back of my knee, making me sit on his lap, my legs resting on his sides. I hold my breath.

"Did he kiss you?" He whispers, palming my cheek and looking down at my lips.

Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God.

What is happening to me with this guy!

My heart starts running and drumming and then it explodes, I don't respond to his question simply because I can't.

Where the hell is my voice?

His hand moves down to my bare thigh, his hand is cold, I gasp. hitching my breath and looking up at the ceiling because his cold hand and my warm leg ignite.

"Don't make those sounds." He grips my thigh, whispering against my neck as his hot breath hits my skin and gives me shivers everywhere.

I want to tell him to stop even though I don't want him to stop, I want him to keep doing whatever he's doing.

I can feel his touch leaving goosebumps as his hand continues moving upwards, his breath hot and heavy on my skin.

"Hey." He holds the side of my face, making me look into his ocean eyes, "It's okay to like this." He assures me, I don't respond, I can't respond.

I breathe out slowly but he steals my breath away once more when he begins to lean in towards me, keeping his gaze on my lips, my eyelids fall shut and I feel his lips brush mine, just a brush. He doesn't kiss my lips but he begins to plant kisses on my jaw all the way down to my neck, I tilt my head, giving him more access, he smiles against my skin as he goes to my shoulder and back to my jawline with his hands firm on my waist, his lips feel so soft and gentle against my skin and I just can't help but want more and more of this.

"Ask for it already, I want to kiss you so bad, ask for it and I'll fucking do it." He pulls me closer to him, planting a wet kiss on my neck. I still can't find my voice.

And even if I could, I wouldn't ask him to kiss me, that's so crazy. I'm not crazy.

"Allie have you seen my-" I hear my mom's voice stop mid-sentence behind me.


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