Chapter 4: Truth or Dare.

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Nick's POV

"Mom! I'm hungry!" Shouts Adam from the living room.

I stare at mom as she shuts her eyes in frustration and mutters something underneath her tone, she ignores Adam for what it's worth and continues stirring whatever is in that pot.

My Mom is a pretty great cook, she once worked at an expensive restaurant so she learned how to cook a lot of delicious dishes.

My phone vibrates on top of the kitchen counter, it's a text from Jason.

*Dude, the party began an hour ago, where the hell are you* it reads.

Shit, I forgot.

Honestly, I have no idea why this Jason guy is being nice to me after I made out with his girlfriend on Monday, I mean, I didn't know she was his girlfriend and she just came out of nowhere, sat on my lap and started flirting with me, I thought it was her way of saying welcome, so yeah I kissed her back and I know for sure that he saw us.

*Be right there* I reply.

Adam walks into the kitchen, taking the seat next to me on the kitchen counter, little shit's always hungry.

"Mom? Can I have some ice cream?" He asks her.

"Mom? can I go to a party?" I ask her.

She pauses, sending a friendly yet serious glare directly to me.

"No and No." she shakes her head, looking at both of us.

"C'mon, Megan, why not?" I whine like a child.

Adam giggles at my reaction.

"Because it's Wednesday and I don't trust you yet." she goes straight to speaking her mind.

That stings a little bit, I know I did a lot of shit that made her lose trust in me but ever since she decided to move us to this God forsaken town, I have tried to change my old habits for her, in order to make her parenting so much more easier but I guess she doesn't notice.

"Don't you think it's kind of responsible of him to even ask you? He's never done that before." Adam rolls his eyes at the last part.

Good thing he fucking noticed.

She looks between Adam and I, back and forth.

"Who invited you?" She sighs.

"My friend Jason." I answer honestly.

"Hell no, his name is Jason and he's the host of the party? Nickolas, why can't you hang out with normal kids like that girl next door." she points out.

I knew she would bring that girl up eventually. But why wouldn't she bring her up? She's the straight A student who doesn't curse or acts like a teenager and she happens to live right next door so why fucking not?

"She's a weird nerd and I'm not a normal kid so I need to hang out with my fellow abnormal kids, can I fucking go or what?" I can't help but feel a little irritated by this unnecessary conversation.

"Watch your language." she points a warning finger at me, "okay, you can go but only on one condition." she raises her index finger in the air.

"Anything." I smile.

"Take this dish nextdoor to the Parkers and be home by 11pm sharp." she informs, my smile drops on the floor.

"That's actually two conditions." Adam reminds her, raising two fingers. Mom mouths for him to shut up.

"Why do I have to take it?" I say more to myself, grabbing the big bowl of what looks like chicken soup in my hands.

"Do you really want me to answer that?" She asks.

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