Chapter 29: The alpha.

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Nick's POV.

Birthday parties have never been my thing, however, I was forced to attend this one because on this day, the ultimate asshole called Miles Turner was born. I haven't spoken to either Miles, Jason or Allison in like a week and a half. Amanda literally dragged me there all in the name of the friendship Miles and I shared, it feels like everything happened a year ago and I'm surprisingly starting to forget about Allison Parker.

That's a good thing, right?

"Drink?" Noah extends a red cup full of alcohol, I scowl my face and nod no and he takes a sip.

We are currently sitting at the staircase, Amanda left to find Miles a while ago but there's no sign of them anywhere, I am craving for a drink but I promised my mom I wouldn't take any alcohol tonight.

I spot Amanda coming towards us with two red cups in her hands, she extends one cup to me, I roll my eyes at her.

Why is everyone trying to get me drunk?

"Suit yourself." She drinks from both cups as she sits next to Noah and kisses him on the cheek, he smiles at her.

Ah Jesus.

"Are you guys gonna smash anytime soon?" I ask.

Amanda sends me the finger.

"Seriously though, this sexual tension is killing me." I exclaim dramatically. They look at each other and they smile.

They have been flirting endlessly, it's disgusting to watch but then again I would like to see Amanda with someone that cherishes her and I think Noah is that someone.

"Don't mind us, Just focus on getting Allison back before that thing she has with Carl goes any further." She tells me while digging her fingers in Noah's curly blonde hair.

"I'm not worried about that, I know Allison and it's not like she's going to date him or makeout with him or anything." I point out.

Neither of them respond, Noah looks away scratching the back of his head while Amanda takes a long shot of whatever is in those red cups.

They clearly know something that I don't.

"What is it?" I ask, lazily rolling my eyes to the ceiling.

"Nothing." Says Amanda, a little bit too quickly.

"Noah?" I turn to Noah.

"Nothing, It's just that Allison and Carl have been dating for a week now." He informs me.

"Noah!" Amanda hits Noah's chest, I raise my brows at them.

"What? It's not like he wasn't gonna find out." He rubs his chest.

I scoff.

She did not. I know she told me she was going to do it but I thought she was trying to get me jealous, I had no idea that she was fucking serious about it.

What in the hell did I do? and what the hell was Allison thinking, Carl? Seriously?

"Is she here?" I ask, looking around the crowded place.

"Yeah, I was with her in the kitchen, Carl came up to us and literally kissed her on the lips with his hands wrapped around her and all that shit." She puts on a disgusted expression as she sits her drink down and clasps her fingers in front of her.

My jaw tightens at the thought, this has to fucking end, I don't care how stubborn Allison is, I have had enough of this bullshit.

"I gotta go talk to her." I get up and head over to the kitchen, there are people everywhere, it's hard for me to even shove my way through.

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