Chapter 24: Someone.

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Saturday night, we're all sitting on the beach, circled around the burning wood, the full moon makes the sky look clear. I'm all caught up in my own thoughts right now, I can't relate or understand any of their stories but I keep on listening and turning my head from the person who's talking to the one who's responding and to the rest of them when they laugh at what seems to be funny. They are having such a good time but I'm not. I just want to go home already.

"Let's play truth be told." Says Miles.

"What the hell is that game?" Jason asks his friend as he opens a can of soda.

Lilian convinced them not to drink alcohol earlier, we had to vote because Miles and Jason were against the idea but all the girls voted alcohol out plus Nick, so now they're drinking sodas.

"It's when I ask a question that has to be answered by either one or all of you." He explains, nodding like it's a thing.

That makes no proper sense.

"How do we know-"

"You'll see." He cuts Sofia off, "Starting with Jason, truth be told, who are you really in love with, Sofia or Amanda?" He asks the ultimate question, nobody was expecting him to ask that.

Thank you Miles, I think I'm finally fitting into the conversation.

"Dude, since the very first day that I had to hear you speak, this is the only time that you've said something impressive." Nick says to Miles, Miles raises his middle finger at Nick.

Everyone's eyes are now on Jason who's busy looking back at us cluelessly. He looks at Amanda and Sofia with a nervous stare.

Its now or never lover boy.

"I-uhm, I don't... know." He says.

We all groan and roll eyes at the same time.

He doesn't know who he's in love with. I turn to look at Amanda, she's already doing the silent tears.

"Don't be such a dick, bro, save these two ladies from this messed up triangle and just don't lead them on anymore." Says Miles in a pleading tone.

That was the wisest thing I've ever heard Miles say, I had no idea that Miles Turner could be wise.

"What he said." Nick points at Miles approvingly, I shake my head at him and he sends me a smile.

"Okay fine, I'll tell you." He heaves a sigh as he looks at the two girls that he claims to be in love with, "I love Sofia because she makes me feel alive, wild and crazy, I've known her all my life, we literally started dated in seventh grade and we were each other's firsts during freshman year." He says, looking at Sofia. She smiles?

"I love Amanda because she makes me feel like a better person, she brings out the very best in me and I'm always my true self around her, she knows exactly what to say in order to cheer me up and she's a good listener. That's what I really feel for both of them." He tells us then looks down at the fire in shame.

Yeah, shame on you, Jason.

But it really sounded like he was telling the truth but how can he be in love with both of them? that's insane.

"My mom said one heart is not capable of loving two hearts." I say to Jason, he looks at me and just shrugs.

He shrugs!

"Such an asshole, Jason, you know that?" Amanda angrily gets up and walks back to the house.

"I'm not sad or mad at you Jase, I always knew he was into both of us but I just couldn't find the guts to let go of him, he was there for me lots of times and I see him everyday, and not only is he my boyfriend, he is also my friend and my best friend's brother so put yourselves in my shoes, people." Sofia's voice cracks, Lilian gives her a side hug.

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