Chapter 30: Reminding me to forget.

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Allison's POV.

The familiar sound of birds chirping right outside my bedroom window makes me flutter my eyes open, Nick's sleeping face is the first thing I see.

Nick and I spent the whole night talking last night, we weren't arguing or talking about us, for the first time since I've known Nick we were actually discussing something serious like life in particular. He told me more about his life back in New York City and I literally told him my whole entire lifetime and that's how we ended up sleeping next to each other, nothing else happened just to be clear.

I sit up, rubbing my eyes and heaving a sigh, I look down at Nick, he looks.. beautiful. I can't help but admire his angelic face while he sleeps, he looks peaceful and adorable. like I said before, I think people are mostly at peace when they sleep, not when they die.

All I wanna do is shower his face with kisses which would be a good way to wake him up.

God, what am I saying?

I've become a cliché, a literal cliché.

"I can feel you staring at me while I sleep." He says in a sleepy tone with his eyes still closed.


"I was debating on whether or not to wake you up." I respond quickly.

He opens his eyes and looks up at me with narrowed eyes, I feel an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach when our eyes meet. I throw the covers off me and I get out of bed.

"You should go, my mom will be home soon." I say without glancing his direction.

"Good morning to you too, princess." He responds in a husky deep tone.

For Pete's sake.

Somebody make it stop.

I turn to look at him, he's leaning back on his elbows, his face looks barely awake and his hair is messy.

Oh my God.

I look away, scratching the back of my neck.

"Good morning, Nickolas." I plaster a fake smile. "Now can you leave?" I tilt my head and cross my arms.

He doesn't respond, he smiles while scanning my body from head to toe.

"Should have had you when I had the fucking chance." He murmurs more to himself.

I squint my eyes, angrily glaring at him, "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

He sits on the edge of my bed then gives a frustrating sigh.

"I just don't get you." He stands up, slowly walking towards me. "Make me understand one thing about you, just one." He raises his index finger in the air.

He's shirtless, where the hell is his shirt?

"What do you mean?" My legs start to walk backwards.

"What I mean is how the hell are you able to pretend like nothing happened last night?" He shoves his hands into his pockets.

I've been good at pretending lately and I seem to be getting used to it, like for instance I'm pretending to be in love with Carl when I don't even know what love is and I'm pretending to be over Nick when he's clearly all I think about and I'm pretending to be this bad ass version of myself when in reality I'm just a scared little teenage girl and right now, I'm pretending not to care about this moron because I already made stupid decisions but I just can't cheat on Carl for the second time.

"It was just a good make out session Nick, forget about it." I say.

He chuckles, gripping the back of his neck.

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