Chapter 10: Team Nick.

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Sometimes I feel like Mondays should not exist, I mean the day is just too slow, too intimidating, too boring, shall I go on? But then again it's like a link that supports the passing of another day so if I were to wish it away, time would automatically stop right before our eyes and I want time to move, I want to be done with high school and only time can make that happen. Well Mondays are a part of time so I'll learn to live through them.

Walking through the school hallway, I notice that there are flyers everywhere.

Probably a school event that I should not care about.

I see Carl walking towards me with the brightest smile on his face.

No no no, enough boys for one day.

I had to deal with Nick earlier when he offered me a ride to school and I only accepted because I had to explain to him that whatever happened yesterday was totally just in his head, I told him that I did trust myself with him and for the first time, he didn't say anything, he was just nodding in response which I found kinda weird but who cares, he listened to me.

"Hey you." he hugs me then pecks my cheek which makes me widen my eyes at him.

Wait, did I give him some kind of a free pass when I pecked his cheek on Saturday?

"Hey Carl, what's up." I say awkwardly but it's like he didn't notice.

"This." he lifts a dark blue flyer up in his hand.

I shift my eyes to it, "senior verses junior dance" it reads.

"School dance, huh?" I look back at him.

"What do you mean, school dance huh?" He asks in a mimicked tone, I roll my eyes.

Well behind that sweet guy friend he's been so far, there's still the real Carl Bennett. The one that always wants to exchange words with me and make fun of the way I speak just like right now.

"What do you want me to say?" I shrug in questioning.

"I want you to sound excited because I'm fucking taking you." he shrieks.

You've got to be kidding me.

"I don't really know how it goes but aren't you supposed to ask me first?" I feel like he's already decided without me which is kinda bossy and nobody bosses me around.

Especially BOYS.

"I'm sorry." he holds my hand sympathetically, "Do you want to go to the senior verses junior dance with me?" He asks, never losing eye contact.

Was that supposed to sound or look romantic? Because it definitely did not sound so romantic, in fact, it was the most stupidest most dumbest proposal my ears ever had to listen to.

"Yeah, the theme really sucks and I am really nervous, you can just pretend like it's not stupid at all." I think he noticed the scowl on my face.

Carl really knows me and he reads my mind most of the time, he truly is good company.

"But I don't" I stutter, trying my best not to break his heart.

He sighs, scratching the back of his head.

"Allie, it's just a dance for fuck's sake." he runs a hand through his hair like he's getting frustrated.

Carl has a short temper and people who are short tempered are really dangerous to be around, they turn their temper into anger then into hate and they leash it out into the world, mostly on other people.

That's not healthy. That's how villains are made.

"I'll think about it." I say without thinking, just to bring his smile back.

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