Chapter 21: Dance with me.

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I run my hands down my black slinky skin tight dress that I had bought for myself earlier this week, it hugs my body perfectly, I re-adjust the one shoulder thick strap, Looking at myself in the full-length mirror, I think I actually look... sexy? I'm wearing flat shoes instead of high heels because I just can not walk in those things.

My Mom helped straighten my brown hair and did my makeup so I think I'm ready to go.

"Allison! get down here already!" Shouts my mom from downstairs, Carl is already down there and I have been up here forever.

Oh man, I dig my nails deeper into my palm. A nervous reaction that I've had since I was a kid, I've never gone to any dance, much less with a boy.

I look around my room for anything I might need, I grab my phone from the bed and walk out of my room.

You know that scene in a movie where the girl slowly walks down the stairs and the guy looks up at her in admiration from the bottom? Yeah, that's me and Carl right now.

He's in a dark blue tux and he's hair is gelled back neatly, he also has Roses in his hands.

How charming, I don't know about you but I think Carl would make a great boyfriend.

"Wow." He looks at me everywhere once I reach the bottom of the stairs, he kisses my cheek and whispers... "You look breathtaking."

He hands me the flowers and I take them.

I look at my mom who's on the urge of crying tears of Joy, I give her a what the heck am I supposed to do with these flowers? Look.

"I'll take care of those for you." She notices and takes them away.

"Thank you." I mouth to her.

"Shall we?" He extends his elbow to me and I entwine my arm with his.

We head out of the house, he's picking me up in a freaking Porsche which is parked in the street, he opens the passenger door for me like the nice and sweet gentleman that he is. He gets on the driver's side and starts the engine.

I wonder if Nick will be there, I asked him if he was going but he only said that he might make an appearance which wasn't convincing at all.

It's like 8pm right now and the dance started about an hour ago, for your own information, it wasn't my fault, it was my mother's.

Carl pulls up in the school's parking lot, he holds my hand as we walk inside. He opens the school doors for me and we get in. The hallways are decorated with white and blue balloons, we follow the music which is coming from the basketball hall. Carl opens the door for me again and I step inside, the place looks amazing, there are different decorations all around the place, people are all dressed up and jumping around as an excuse for dancing with their dates.

Carl holds my hand as we walk.

From the corner of my eye, I spot Nick standing in a corner, leaning against the wall, blonde girl whispering something in his ear as he smiles. He has a little flask in his hand, he's not wearing a suit or anything decent like the rest of us, he's in his casual outfit of a black leather jacket, a white t-shirt and black jeans.

He says something to the blonde, she walks away from him and he stares at her ass while she leaves. He looks forward, his eyes land on me and my outfit.

Why does his stare make me feel so naked?

The DJ changes the song to a slow song.

"May I have this dance?" Carl lets his hand out and I take it, leading me to the dance floor and placing his hands on my waist while I lock mine behind his neck. We move in sync, I'm not stepping on his shoes like I did with Nick. I actually do not suck at slow dancing anymore.

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