Chapter 20: Dead to me.

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How do you wake up in the morning and prepare to go to school knowing that your best friend is now your best enemy, how do you pretend not to have seen her in the hallways or during Mrs Smith's gym class, I thought ignoring her and acting like she doesn't exist anymore would be as easy as ignoring Nick but it's not.

My heart aches every time I set my eyes on her, all I want to do is hug her tightly and apologize for everything that happened but then again I was reminded of her betrayal by all the eyes that were staring at me like the virgin Mary of the twenty first century, so my inner voice keeps telling me to walk away.

It's now lunch time, I'm on my way to sit with Carl and the other guys with my food in hand when big Jim stands in front of me, blocking my way to the table.

My goodness, I'm not in the mood for this.

"What do you want, puppet." I ask in a lazy tone.

"They told me to come carry you but do I really have to?" He asks in his deep voice and I roll my eyes at him.

I sigh, turning on my heel and walking towards the jocks and sluts table, they are all sitting there together, including Amanda and Sofia which is still a mystery to me.

"Thanks, big Jim." Sofia shouts after big Jim as he joins his friends on another table.

"What do you want from me, freaks?" I ask rudely, Nick smiles at me.

Nick and I have been okay lately, we've been talking about things on a friendly level and I'm proud to say that I'm kind of getting comfortable around him.

Way too comfortable.

"Calm down, sweetheart, it's not our fault that your best friend called you out on your virgin lips in front of the whole school." Says Sofia, Amanda just looks down at her plate like a coward.

"Sofia." Nick gives her a warning look, she raises her hands and surrenders.

"Anyway, we wanted to invite you to our beach house this weekend, we're all going so we thought we could invite you since you're one of us now." Jason says to me.

One of them?

I laugh, looking behind me at Carl's table then looking back at them. I see the difference.

"Yeah, that's not gonna happen." I drop my laugh and shake my head.

"Well, I tried." Jason mumbles to his friends.

"C'mon, princess, it will be fun." Nick tries to convince me, chewing on his pickles.

Gross, I hate pickles.

"Yeah, princess, it will be fun." Lilian remarks, looking at Nick from across the table while she says it to me. Nick narrows his eyes at her like asking, what-the-hell-was-that? Lilian narrows her eyes back at him like saying, you-know-exactly-what-that-was.

Tension? I think so.

This is the kind of drama that I'm gonna have to experience if I decide to go with them, I would rather binge watch game of thrones all weekend long, which is totally worth my precious time.

"Can I like go and eat now?" I break the tension.

"Only if you give us a promising answer." Miles leans back on his chair and looks up at me.

"I'll think about it, is that promising enough for you people?" I give them a fake smile.

There's no way I'm even going to think about going with them.

"No, you won't." Nick scoffs to himself.

Can he like see right through me now? He's not supposed to do that.

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