Chapter 2: The New Neighbors.

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School pretty much sucked for me, I spent an hour in detention for the very first time in my entire life and it was awful, I never get myself in such situations and just to be clear, it wasn't entirely my fault, it was that new kid's fault. if only he hadn't bumped into me and made me spill my milkshake all over him, I could have been in class on time and Carl the motal enemy wouldn't have ratted me out.

Now here I am after a tiring day, locked in my room, laying on my bed and just staring at the ceiling, I could be studying but I feel like I did a lot of that during detention, even nerds get tired of studying.

I hear a knock on my door, I push myself out of bed to open it.

"Can I help you?" I ask mom in a lazy tone.

"Get ready, we are having dinner with our new neighbors in ten minutes and they're already downstairs." her tone sounds demanding.

God, no, she just had to invite them over for dinner.

My Mom is a nurse hence why she's naturally nice to everyone, a little bit too nice if you ask me.

"Aren't they the ones who should be inviting us over for dinner in order to make peace? also known as a peace offering." I point out, Mom takes a deep sigh, shaking her head at me.

Sometimes I feel like it's hard for her to raise me by herself without Dad, before Dad left he was always here on time to spend some time with me while Mom was always working.

She sometimes brought work home, that never bothered me because honestly Mom and I never used to get along when Dad was around, she was always pushing me to be a 'normal teenager' like she was when she was my age, but what she really meant was that, I should attend parties, be a slut and join the cheerleading team like she did in her highschool days but like always, my Dad defended me and told me never to change who I was for another person.

"Be ready in less than ten minutes, dress decently and leave your phone in your room." she orders and my mouth falls open.

I hate that she's a control freak, kinda like me but she's the original copy while I'm just the copy, I can't believe I'm saying this but sometimes I understand why Dad left, I just don't understand why he cheated and raised another family somewhere else.

"But Mom-"

"Leave the phone!" She repeats the last part loudly, walking out on me.

She must be kidding, I can't go down there, eating with a couple of strangers without texting Amanda in order to distract myself.

Sighing in defeat, I decide to put my brunette hair in a messy bun, slipping into my black sweatpants, a grey sweatshirt and fluffy bunny house shoes. I think this is what she meant by decent.

I toss my phone on my bed, lazily dragging myself down the stairs, I hear voices coming from the kitchen.

The more I walk towards it, the more I feel like going back to my room.

There's a woman who looks like she's the same age as my mom, she's sitting next to a boy who could be ten years old and on the other side of the table, is a dude facing down and typing on his phone.

So he gets to text people during this and I don't? That's just Great.

"Nick, please put that thing away." the woman scolds him.

Spoke too soon.

"Allie, come join us." says my Mom as she places the serving pot on the table, I take a deep breath, finally joining them by sitting next to the dude, I feel his eyes on me so I decide to look at him and to my surprise, I actually recognize him.

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