Chapter 34: Love this Girl.

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'No relationship is all sunshine, but two people can share one umbrella and survive the storms together'


One year later.

I did end up getting into NYU after all, I felt like the universe was trying to tell me something when I saw that acceptance letter, Nick kept calling me and asking if I got in.

Of course, I had to tell him that I didn't get in just to see his reaction, he called bullshit and I ended up telling him that I got in.

He asked me to be his girlfriend during my orientation day, he even seemed nervous about it, I said yes and he excused himself just to call Miles and Amanda and tell them that we were dating. I rolled my eyes at him.

Amanda got into Stanford, we still talk but not like before.

Miles inherited his father's business, no college for him but he does visit Nick and I from time to time.

I have no idea what happenend to the rest of the crew but I broke up with Carl as soon as Nick left town, he understood and totally got into Harvard. That showoff.

Nick's academy is not that far away from my uni, we're both busy with school during the week, especially him. The academy works him like he's a machine but he says it will all pay off one day. I believe him.

We meet up every weekend in his dorm room since his roommate goes out partying, everyone goes out partying, actually, except for us, we would rather have each other's company than go out partying. Sometimes I feel like Nick does it because of me but I do not complain.

I reach the dorm room door as a guy walks right passed me and winks at me, I scowl my face at him, knocking on the door.

There's no answer but I do hear voices inside so I decide to let myself in.

Nick's roommate Garry and his two friends Jon and Landon are having some kind of a deep discussion. I don't see Nick anywhere but I walk inside the room anyway, closing the door behind me.

I feel like I'll interrupt their loud discussion by greeting them so I just walk to Nick's side of the room and I sit on his bed, deciding to eavesdrop on what they're talking about.

"No, dude, she totally tricked you." Garry says to Landon, patting his shoulder while bumping fists with Jon as they laugh at their friend.

"Who tricked who?" I ask curiously, they all turn to look at me.

"Damn, when did you get here?" Garry eyes me suspiciously. I fight back the urge to roll my eyes at him.

"Just now." I respond.

He snatches Landon's phone and walks over to me, "Check this shit out." he sits next to me and shows me a dick pic on the phone.

I push the phone away, "Ew, gross, Jesus."

"C'mon, Princess, that's Landon's dick, don't be harsh." He says to me and Jon laughs.

"What's wrong with you?" I ask him, he shrugs, "No, seriously though, what's wrong with you?"

He opens his mouth to respond but the door creeks open and Nick walks in, he closes the door behind him and looks at Garry and I with narrowed eyes.

"Garry, what did I tell you about getting a feet close to my girlfriend?" He asks, kicking off his shoes.

Garry is a total fuck boy, hence why Nick told him not to get one feet close to me or even look at me.

Garry stands up and walks back to his bed.

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