Chapter 3: Lies.

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I didn't know waiting for the bus could be this infuriating, I woke up early today because I couldn't sleep last night, I ended up re-reading a book that I've already read, my mind was whirling for some unknown reason and I found it difficult to find sleep so here I am, Impatiently waiting for that bus that just won't get here on time.

As I'm looking to my left anxiously, a black BMW stops right in front of me, I turn to look at the driver.


Sweet baby Jesus.

I roll my eyes at him, looking back in the direction where the bus is supposed to come from.

"Good morning, neighbor." I hear him greet with confidence.

I don't answer him, I hope he drives away soon enough, though I know he's probably going to say something about last night.

"So why are you just standing here instead of going to school?" He asks like he's so clueless, I mean he sounds clueless, I bet he is clueless.

I ignore him, It's like kids who have cars have no idea how the rest of the students get to school, there's a reason why I don't drive myself to school but that's a story for another day.

"I saw you fucking stalking me from your window last night." he chuckles lightly, I immediately snap my head to glare at him.

I knew he was gonna bring it up sooner than later.

"I wasn't stalking you." I defend myself, shaking my head in the process.

"So that gets you talking?" He asks in dramatic disbelief.

"Please go away, you're making me uncomfortable." I say to him honestly.

He stays quiet for a second, just staring at me blankly.

"Wow, you are an awfully honest person, but seriously, why are you standing here?" He asks yet again.

God, what is it going to take for this douchebag to finally leave me alone?

"Waiting for the bus, now go away." I shoo him.

He doesn't drive off.

"Well come on in, I'll just give you a ride then." he suggests, gesturing for me to go in his car.

I laugh at his silly way of joking around but he doesn't laugh with me, he's just looking at me like he's waiting for me to let him in on the joke.

"Oh you're serious?" I stop laughing.

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?" he asks in a duh tone.

Because you're a weirdo who I barely know.

"No thanks, I'm good with taking the bus." I look back at the road.

He doesn't drive off.

"What's your name again?" He asks curiously.

Is he serious? I'm pretty sure my Mom introduced us just last night, how chicken like can his brain be?

"Go away, douchebag." I grit my teeth.

"It's just a name for fuck's sake." he rolls his blue eyes at me.

I spot the yellow bus coming. Finally.

Crap, no one can see me talking to him or else they're gonna be talking about me and him in the same sentence, that sounds really bad in my head.

"Shoo! go away, the bus is coming." I feel like my insides are jumping up and down with anxiety.

"Not until you tell me your name." he sounds determined.

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